The Underground

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"When you were just a wild moon child
Found myself trapped inside the wild
Lost boy with the nature eyes
Looking for a reason to survive
It's our choice you got to be treason
Its about time you got to be leaving
Chocolate blue skies never fade
Sunset horizons always our parade

I've got a heartbeat a heart, heart beat going down
Take me to underground
Heart beat a heart, heart beat going down
Take me to underground

As you wait for something to fight for
People find themselves without a cause."

He kissed back but then broke apart from the kiss.

"Do you want this? Kat I don't want you to regret kissing me." Emerson spoke softly as our foreheads rested on each other.

"I've just missed you..."

"I've missed you too.." I kissed him again passionately. That's all we did for almost 30 minutes straight. I broke away because I was thinking too much into things.

"I need you...but I can't have you all at the same time." I spoke softly not making eye contact.

"You can have me though." He spoke lifting my chin to meet his line of sight.

"You don't understand Em. I've gotta lot of work to be done on myself and I'm only at the beginning with getting rid of alcohol.  Rave needs me too."

"Are you talking about tour? Rave can come with us!"

"No. No Emerson i am not exposing her to the party age this early in her life. She may experience one day but not by me. All the alcohol that we both hate so much has ruined the both of our lives in more ways than one."

"I know Kat...I just really need you by my side."

"I'm still going on tour Em. Just the moment something goes bad with Rave, I'm coming home. She needs me."

"I understand." He looked down and it was like we switched roles. I brought his chin up so I could look him in the eyes.

"I still love you."

"I will always love you Katherine Vega." I smiled slightly and I kissed him again.

No we were not back together sadly. We both needed time. He needed time to decide whether he could put up with a girl who refused to drink. I had to see if I could resist from joining him in drinking. This was dangerous territory.

I wish nothing more than to be with him again. To fall asleep in his arms again. To kiss him and tell him I love him every night. To be able to be his.

I don't know why this had to be so complicated honestly but in my mind it is. I want the best for him and that is why I told him to let me go. I am not the best for him. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as we kissed and my heart felt as if it would stop. I needed this man more than I needed air it seemed like. But I still wasn't right for him.

"I need you in my life."

"You say that about Trumoo chocolate milk." He smiled at me and kissed me again.

"I meant it." He spoke again in between the kisses. We laid down together and decided to take a nap together since we both know that we can't sleep without each other and who knows when Rave and them would be back. It was like I had been drugged the sleep was so peaceful. I have not slept this well in forever. Sleeping pills didn't even work this well for me.

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