4: Babysitting Akira

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Third Person's POV

Shintaro was left to babysit Akira, he called Ene for help but she was also busy babysitting Nagisa and Konoha.

So he just looked at Akira who is on the crib, he didn't know anything about parenting, it was new to him.

Shintaro went to get some soda at the fridge, after that he went back to Akira's room which is upstairs and then all of a sudden, Akira started to cry, Shintaro had to dash to her room to see her crying.

Shintaro was panicking, he picked Akira and started craddling her, she's still crying.

Shintaro went down to the kitchen with Akira on his right arm and a rattle on his left hand which he was shaking to calm her down.

Shintaro put the Rattle at the table and took the bottle of milk in fridge and fed it to Akira, she started to drink the milk, Shintaro calmed down and went to Akira's room, while he was feeding her, his phone rang, it was Ayano, he answered the call.

"Yes Ayano?" Shintaro answered.

'Shintaro? Is Akira alright?' Ayano asked.

"Yes, Ayano, she is alright, I am feeding her right now." Shintaro answered.

'Oh, okay...Bye.' Ayano said and hanged up.

After feeding Akira, she fell asleep, Shintaro went to put her to the crib and then went to sit in the chair to watch her if she wakes up.

He went down to get a glass or rather a can of soda.

Well, he didn't know that, he left his own phone BESIDE Akira.

Boom, Akira woke up just after he got ut of the room, taking after her father's intellegence, she pushed the phone...and went back to sleep.

The poor phone was so fragile, it was destroyed, Shintaro went to see what was the sound about and saw his phone on the ground...it was unrepairable now, Shintaro cried as much as he cried for his soda.

Poor Shintaro xD

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