Part 11: No Exit Part 2

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"Theresa Ellis, apartment 2F. Her boyfriend reported her missing around dawn." Dean said walking into the livingroom where Sam, Jo, and Dakota were spread out on the floor looking through the information Jo had collected, again.

"How was her apartment?" Jo asked.

"Cracks all in the plaster-ceilings, walls, all of it." Dean answered.

"Between that, the ectoplasm, and chunk of hair, I'd say the sucker's coming from the walls." Dakota said.

"Yeah, but who is it? The building's history is totally clean." Dean said.

"Maybe we're looking in the wrong place." Jo guessed. "Check this out." She said handing them a photo.

"It's the field where the building was built." Dakota pointed out.

"Take a look at the one next door." She smirked.

Sam leaned in closer to the paper, "Bars on the windows."

"We're next door to a prison?" Dean asked.


Jo stepped out of the room to call Ash and get some information, leaving the three Winchesters to flip through the papers. Jo came back into the room a few minutes later with a spring in her step.

"Moyamensing Prison. Built in 1835, torn down in 1963." Jo explained.

"Let me guess, 1835, executions in the field?" Dakota guessed.

"Hangings." Jo confirmed.

"Alright, we need a list of all the people executed in that field." Sam said.

"Ash is already on it." Jo said.

Half an hour later, Ash sent them the list and they started looking through it on Sam's laptop.

"157 names?" Dakota asked in shock.

"We gotta narrow that down or else we're gonna be digging up a Hell of a lot of stiffs" Dean said.

Sam continued scrolling through then stopped on one name, Herman Webster Mudgett.

"Wasn't that H. H. Holmes' real name?" Sam asked.

Dakota sighed and dropped her head.

"You gotta be kidding me." Dean said.

Sam switched to a new screen and quickly searched it, "Yep. Holmes was executed at Moyamensing May 7, 1896." He read.

"H. H. Holmes himself." Dean whispered to himself.

"Come on. I mean, what are the odds?" Dakota asked.

"Who is this guy?" Jo asked.

"The term, 'multi-murderer'-they coined it to describe Holmes. He was America's first serial killer before anyone knew what a serial killer was." Dean explained.

"He confessed to 27 murders, but some put the toll at over 100." Sam added.

"And his victim flavor of choice, pretty, petite blonds." Dakota continued.

"He used chloroform to kill them, which is what I smelled in the hallway last night." Dean said.

"At his house they found bone fragments, and long locks of bloody blond hair." Sam said.

"So, we just salt and burn the bones, right?" Jo asked.

"That's the problem. His body is buried in town, but it's encased in a couple tons of concert." Dakota explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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