A Dream

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My hands are shivering as i walk down the aisle its overwhelming thinking how i am about to be united with you in just a matter of seconds. But when i finally reach there and i see your eyes  and hold your hand for the first time it feeels as if the time has stopped. The warmth of your hand assures me that from now on you will there for me, and in that moment i could see our entire future ahead of us.
As we settle down side by side on our wedding stage i just cant stop thinking about all the endless possibilities of our wedding night when we will be close to each other for the very first time our marriage which will last forever, our three kids who will look just like you, our old age,i cant stop thinking about from where we started and where are we now! It feels like a dream.
Tho a dream it is which i now lay thinking about it in my bed alone at 2:30 a.m.

TINY TALES AND POETRYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang