It's either me or them.(I)

Start from the beginning

Ginny and Harry immediately stopped. Ginny was a little pissed off as she thought you liked Harry or something.
"(Y/N)!" Harry shouted.
"Harry don't go after her" Ginny spat.
"She's my best friend" Harry shouted before running after you.

After five minutes of searching for you he finally found you in the common room, alone. Sobbing completely.
"(Y/N)?" Harry said quietly.
"Yes" I said with a shaky voice.

"What's wrong? Why did you run off crying?" Harry asked, hoping that you'd confess your love for him or something.

"D-Draco and I split up and he was so cold about it Harry. When I saw you two kissing it reminded me of Draco" you explained between sniffles.

Harry's face hardened, he was angry. But happy his best friend was finally away from Malfoy.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N), you're way better than him" said Harry hugging you tightly.

*27 years later*
It had been about 27 years since the war, your memories were still vivid and now and again think of Draco. But you had moved on, in fact you had fallen in love with George Weasley who you loved dearly.

You never thought you would love again, but life proved you wrong and you ended up happier than you ever was as a 16 year old.
George had lost Fred, you were grieving with him and that's what initially brought you together. Two people full of sorrow, over came it and moved on.
You still remember Fred though, and as an honour you named your son Fred which made Molly and Arthur burst into tears.

You also had a daughter, Ariana who was Fred's twin. And who happened to have the same name as Dumbledore's younger sister.
It was finally time for them to go to Hogwarts and experience the time of their life with their many cousins.

"Are you excited dear?" I asked Fred, who was sat with George in the living room.
"Absolutely! I can't wait to get into Gryffindor. Mum? Do you think I'll be a good Gryffindor?" The 11year old asked.

"I have no doubt about it" I smiled, he looked exactly like Fred and it was lovely to see that Fred lived on in your son. You knew he'd be watching over him.

You sat in the living room, cuddling them both. When Ari and Rose came bursting through the door:"mum! Albus is hurt!"

I quickly got up, to see what had happened to him. There was the black haired boy laying on the floor groaning in agony.
"What's wrong, Albus? Are you okay" I asked in panic.
"I fell" he said, groaning.
"Poor little Albus, come on. Let's get you sorted" I said, cooing over my nephew.

*Fred and Ariana's first day*
We got to Kingscross station, Molly had insisted to see all the grandchildren off on their first time to Hogwarts apart from Rose and Lily ofcourse who were younger than the rest of them.
George and I met Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny and Molly at the platform. There was loads of us, it was quite amusing at the number of us all here at the same time.

"I'm so proud of you all, I remember when you were all the kids' age" Molly reminisced as she looked at Albus, James and the twins.

"Mad how time flies" I replied, looking at Hermione and smiling.
The train had arrived and everyone was pilling into the express. "Have a great time my loves, dad and I love you all very much" I said to Ari and Fred.

"What if I'm not a Gryffindor?" Fred worried.
"House doesn't matter, we will still love you the same" said George. It was time for all the kids to go, as I was following them to the entrance I noticed an older man with his son and wife.
I then realised it was Draco. I hadn't seen him since the day he left. His wife, who I recognised as Astoria Greengrass. His son looked exactly like him, his platinum blonde hair slicked back.

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