Chapter 5

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Steve's POV

Danny and I were doing a stake out from the abandoned house across the street from Nathan Millers house to watch his movements, but while we do that we see Sadie's blue Chevy Camero pull into the driveway...

Steve: Danny that is Sadie
Danny: What is she doing there?
Steve: No idea, but we should get over there before anything happens
Danny: Right, I will call up Chin and Kono

Sadie's POV

I am so fed up with Nathan, so I fast walk to his front door and knock on the door. Hard. The front door swings open to reveal Nathan I walk toward him and then when I was close enough I kissed but while I did that I kneed him where it hurt.
He backed away in pain but when he repositioned himself I punched in the face which made his nose bleed...

Sadie: you have no idea who you were messing with
Nathan: what are you talking about

Nathan became furious and when I wasn't paying attention, he once again slapped me across the face with the back of his hand.

I fall to the ground, Nathan walks toward me and starts kicking me, I close my eyes because of the pain but then I hear a gunshot and a thud. I open my eyes to see Nathan on the floor groaning in pain because of the bullet in his shoulder, I start to get up but I didn't realize that Nathan got and grabbed me but out of nowhere my dad tackles him down and I drop to the ground but I crawled away backward watching my dad fighting Nathan. I see Danny punch Nathan and then handcuff him, as Danny walked Nathan out he yelled...

Nathan: THIS ISN'T OVER SADIE!!!!!!!!!

My dad ran over to as I tried to get up, he put a hand on my shoulder to stop me

Steve: Sadie, don't try to get up, you will only hurt yourself more

Sadie: Dad, I am fine

Danny: No your not, we are taking you to the hospital

Sadie: Uncle Danny that is unnecessary...

Steve: it is necessary

I tried to get up but Danny stopped me, then my dad comes and picks me up bridal style and carries me to my car.

Steve: Danny, you can drive your car I will take Sadie's 

Danny:  Oh, so now i get to drive my car

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