Chapter 1: An Unlikely Meeting

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Simon's P.O.V

"Simon, go out and scout the perimeter for any werewolves." I was always taught to abide by my dad's rule so I did exactly what I was told. And I left the cold, dark, and heartless house I grew up in. I started my scouting just plain walking. I wandered about for about an hour thinking about the Blood Moon Ceremony in two weeks where I would get the black crow burned onto the small of my back. Then I heard a noise. I ran with the abnormally fast speed I know I have and ran into someone. I immediately draw my fangs and take a fighting stance. In a heartbeat, my mind had enough time to think I have never fought a wolf before. I have had training but the thought of actually doing it is what scared me. When my second was over to think I was stunned. There was a wolf standing in front me also in a fighting stance.

I got myself out of the stunned stage and made the first move. He quickly moved out of the way and tackled me, causing me to fall to the ground. I sprang up quickly and threw him off me, throwing a punch in the process. It hit him in the snout causing him to fall to the ground, yelping in pain. I pinned him to the ground and I had his paws pinned as well. He quickly morphed back to human form and looked at me with fiery amber eyes. He didn't have a shirt but he had a pair of black, ripped jeans on. He was also barefoot. He suddenly growled baring his canine teeth. He flipped me onto my back, taking control.

"Bite me, I dare you." I didn't know why but I was challenging a werewolf. An animal who could kill me in an instant. Then I realized. Why hasn't he killed me yet? And why haven't I killed him yet? Then I felt a sucking on my neck and realized it was werewolf guy. But it felt so right. But knew it was oh so wrong. And still I let him continue. I let out a soft gasp which startled him, causing him to stop. I thought to myself why did he stop. But before my mind could come up with an answer he said in a dark, rugged voice, "Don't let me catch you on our grounds again. Or your punishment will be a lot more painful." I was to stunned by his words to even say anything. I almost said 'Wait' but he was gone before I could.

I just stood there dumbfounded. I nearly fully submitted to a werewolf whose name I don't even know. Oh god what am I going to tell my father? It is almost dusk. He will be freaking out. Should I just lie to him and tell him I was just checking over all of our perimeter or tell him the truth about me going onto werewolf territory and almost submitting to one? Umm lets go with the first option. I start running back to the cold, dark place known as my home, expecting the lecture I am going to recieve. I reach the house and slowly walk inside. I get in the door and the house is surprisingly quiet with the exception of a few muffled voices.

Then I hear my father's voice coming from the living room. "Ah, there's my boy. Come here, Simon. There is some people you need to meet." I started walking towards the living room and went inside. When I saw who was standing there, I completely froze. All I could focus on were the amber eyes looking back at me. My fathers voice seemed to come from a far off distance even though he was standing right next to me. "This is James and his son, Daniel." At least I know his name now.

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