I just sat there ignoring her and kept reading.

After 2 hours of research and writing things down, Allie spoke up, while playing with her hair ,"this is boring and I'm hungry."

I looked up her and then went back to reading my book. I could literally do this all day.

"Ughh, I can't take this anymore!" She said frustrated, while laying her head down on the table.

I couldn't help but smile at how she was acting. It was funny to watch.

"Ok, I'm gonna go get something to eat, because my stomach can't go another minute without food. You can come with me if you want to, but I'm leaving right now!"

I looked at the time and saw it was 6:30 p.m. I shrugged my shoulders and decided I would go with her.

Once I put the books up and got my things to leave, I started putting the things in my bag and ended up dropping my pencil in the process.

Sighing I bent down to get it and apparently Allie had the same thought, because we both grabbed my pencil and for a few seconds, which seemed like forever, mine and Allies fingers touched.

I felt sparks going through my whole hand and arm, something I've never felt before when I've touched anyone.

I had a feeling Allie felt the same thing cause I saw her shiver a little.

We both stood there holding the pencil looking at each other wondering what it was we felt. I didn't realize it before but she has heterochromia eyes and really pretty ones. I could stare at them all day.

Allie snapped out of the trance first when she shook her head and cleared her throat and said," the p-pencil is here, or I mean here's your pencil." She said stuttering nervously.

I looked at her confused. Allie stuttering and getting nervous, I've never seen her do that before, but I barely know her.

"Thank you." I said grabbing my pencil.

She blushed and quickly looked away."so are we going to get something to eat or what?" She asked in her bossy tone.

I blushed and grabbed my things and followed her out the door.


We arrived at a restaurant called, The Tower. It was a nice looking pizza place.

We sat down still not looking at each other.
It was awkward, I mean we've never actually really talked to each other, but it hasn't been awkward. But sitting here like this was.

I grabbed a menu to see what I wanted to order,but really I just wanted hide behind it.

Still looking at the menu a waitress came by and asked, what kind of drinks we wanted and if we were ready to order.

After a few minutes of looking at the menu not knowing what to get, Allie finally said, "she wants a sprite and I want a Pepsi and a strawberry milkshake with two large pepperoni pizzas. "

I looked at her surprised that she took it upon herself to order for me.

Rolling her eyes she said,"Don't look at me like that, you were being too slow."

I didn't mind her doing that, but I would rather have gotten a different drink, but a Sprite will be fine I guess.

We started eating once our food and drinks came. I ended up getting full after eating two slices of pizza and surprisingly Allie was working on her sixth slice.

Does she have an endless pit in her stomach or what and just how much can she eat, I thought to myself.

Once she was done with her last slice of pizza and finishing off her milkshake and Pepsi we were getting up and fixing to leave. We agreed that I would pay and she would leave a tip.

When I turned around to exit the restaurant, after paying for the meal, I ended up bumping into someone.

"Sorry." I said looking down.

"It's no big deal." The person said.

"That voice sounds familiar", I said to myself.

"Because you know exactly whose voice this is."

I finally looked up to see who it was and once I saw who, I couldn't help but jump into their arms and give them a hug.

"Well someone's happy to see me." The person said.

"I can't believe it's really you, I missed you so much Blaire!" I said excitedly.

"I missed you too." She said hugging me back.


Who is this Blaire girl and what is she to Spencer?=-O

I guess you'll have to wait and find out.

Also I hope y'all like my story so far. I know it's probably a little rough, but I'll work on it.

Im also pretty much just going with the flow with this so hopefully it turns out ok lol.

If you like it so far feel free to leave a message or something.

Peace. B-)

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