Ethan's stomach knotted itself because these two people had been his first family; they named him as he did not have a name before; he had been an illiterate animal, who killed people to survive, but now he felt like he had a purpose.

He watched as his life with them flickered on by, he did not age, but his appearance did change slightly, his skin tanner, his hair much thicker, he looked cleaner; less animalistic that he had been from the start.

He watched the seasons come and go, people move in and leave from their colony that had grown significantly. He watched babies grow into adults, elders pass, their children making new families, and his saddest memory of watching his first family pass away.

"Mam," Ethan mourned softly, holding his mother's frail hand between his own.

His adoptive mother smiled tiredly up to him, "Mabyn, do not cry for me, this is part of life," she whispered, the lull of her words made Ethan want to cry even more, but no tears fell. "I will be joining your father in the sky...perhaps, you will follow one day?" she wondered softly, but the doubt was lining her tone, as she saw that her son had not changed since the day she met him.

Ethan shook his head sadly, "I'm a monster," he whispered.

"Nac oes," his mother disagreed. "You are my son, my Mabyn. You are special, you have a much more important purpose than us."

"I don't want it," Ethan said quietly. "I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."

"You did, you helped raise a small town with your father and me," his mother replied. She brushed aside a curl from his face, "My sweet Mabyn, so handsome," she smiled. "Rwy'n dy garu di."

Ethan kissed the back of her hand, brought her hand to his face, pressing her cooling hand to his forehead as he uttered the same affection back to her.

He buried her next to her husband, after, he packed a small bag and left the town that night.

Ethan felt like the breath had been knocked out of him; his heart thudded painfully in his chest and he saw himself losing his sanity again. He saw that he had become cruel, jaded with humanity, he killed for fun, and then other times, he gave pity and watched over the humans who were too weak to protect themselves.

He was in one of his phases where he hated himself, he would stop himself from feeding, he had hid himself away from the larger villages that he passed through; he was starving and weak. He still had yet to meet one of his own and he was lonely.

Ethan had sat in that rotten cottage for over a month when he heard shuffling around on the outside, a shadow peeked through the gaps of the boards and he growled lowly, threateningly, eyes a deep purple; he heard a sharp intake of breath and he figured that was enough to scare them away, but now he'd have to run away in case they came back with others to try to harm him.

Instead, he heard the crooked door squeaking in protest, splintering wood and a slender figure slipped inside his hiding place; Ethan leered over his shoulder at the young boy, "Leave," he hissed in English at the boy. He had learned English when he moved completely out of Wales; his accent made the words sound guttural.

The boy, who looked to be in his late teenager years, hadn't moved, only staring at Ethan with bewilderment in his green eyes, "What are you?" he asked, a Scottish lull in his voice.

Ethan snarled, revealing his fangs, which got a startled response from the boy, "A monster," he spat. "I will kill you, boy, don't tempt me."

"I got nothin' to live for," the boy shrugged. After that, he gave Ethan another studying expression, curious eyes taking in the wild sight of Ethan, "Mister, are you a vampyre?"

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