Among the Shadows

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Well, things sort of changed how I wanted this fic to go, so rereading--and finding so many errors jfc--I think the way I want this to go can work out....hopefully, and for earlier stuff, I'll just have to loop that in somewhere in the future chapters to cancel out any confusion; this is gonna be a slight chore lmao.

And it's gonna get crazy.

Thanks for reading!~

Btw, will you guys let me know if it looks glitched in the mobile app, please? Thank you.


Grayson hadn't returned that following day.

Ethan let the anxiety eat at him at the start that then snowballed into mind numbing panic that he had mentally shut everyone out; he couldn't even feel the people around him, which was an achievement for him.

His friends tried talking to him, but soon gave up as it was like talking to a brick wall.

Alex tried to get Ethan to talk and Nate was strangely absent. He tried to reason with Ethan and reassure him that nothing was wrong and that maybe something had occurred that required more of Grayson's time, but he saw that those words didn't soothe Ethan in the slightest, as it only seemed to worry the human even more.

Of course, Ethan felt terrible for reacting this way, especially towards his friends, he knew it was wrong to let his feelings override a long friendship over a barely a week-long relationship, but Ethan knew it was because of the surreal factors that made his bond deeper with Grayson. There was just something that couldn't be explained, he knew he was missing something, but it was difficult to recall, almost like a memory that had been obscured by a dense fog and it was taxing to uncover it and remember it.

This unclarity of the whole situation also just continued to beatdown onto Ethan's patience and sanity; it also didn't help that his two "guards" also knew something that he didn't and refused to share with Ethan. He knew he could ask Grayson, but he already knew the vampire would talk circles around it before end up crumbling and telling him, but Ethan wasn't for sure how long that would take.

He sighed angrily, disturbing his desk-mate, who looked at him with brief sympathy, thinking that it was about their assignment, before going back to their book and continued to summarize the chapter.

Ethan glanced at the clock that was above the door; he still had 20 minutes left, but he was too keyed up to keep himself quiet and mentally fighting with himself; he thought he was going to scream. Ethan quickly, but quietly packed all his belongings up, he walked down the stairs till he was almost in the center of the classroom; he felt his phone vibrate and he figured the text came from Jack. who sat behind Ethan during class, to cheat off his tests sometimes.

Again, as guilty as he felt for ignoring his friends, he couldn't deal with them and keep them pacified, while dealing with his own dark thoughts that kept bringing him down the demented rabbit hole, where only worst-case scenarios kept playing before his eyes.

As he stalked out of class, Ethan felt his stomach twist uncomfortably, the feeling of being watched caused his skin to prickle in discomfort. He looked behind himself and only saw a few students walking through the hall. He faced forward again and hurried away out of the building, he didn't have class with Alex for the remainder of the day, as Ethan's classes were finished, and Nate was currently MIA, which had Alex on edge.

Ethan knew he wasn't being smart when he decided to go back to his dorm room without Alex or Nate being there with him, but at this moment, he didn't care. He thought it had been months since he had stepped foot into his room; a sick feeling overcame him and he hastily turned on his phone flashlight, as his room was in complete darkness again. Even though he saw no one, he still felt unsafe for the time being. He turned on his desk lamp and shut the flashlight off his phone and slid it back into his pocket.

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