"I'm staying here."

"No you're not, because I'm not going to let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ stealing freak!"

"You're not going to let me?" Sam laughed.

"No I'm not going to let you!" Dean yelled.

"How are you gonna stop me?" Dean looked surprised at what Sam said. "Look man, we're trying to do the same thing here."

"Yeah I know." Dean sighed. "But I'm going. So if you wanna stay, stay." He turned around finally seeing me. "Oh hi Ace!" He smiled falsely. "You can come in and help Sam with an organ stealer or you can come hunt down Bela with me." I moved out of his way in the doorway. "Sammy be careful." He sighed.

"You too." Sam turned around. Dean walked down the hall and I stood in the doorway, yet again.

"I'm-uh. I'm gonna go uh chop Bela's head off with him if you uh don't mind." I cringed. Sam sighed and waved his hand. "Alright." I closed the door and limped after Dean.

"How do you drop a car on your foot?" Dean laughed, pulling up to the house.

"It didn't seem that heavy." I laughed.

"It's a car."

"I'm aware."
He shook his head, getting out of the car and approaching the house.

The house was a greenish blue color with some, barely overgrown trees and looked pretty average for the neighborhood it was in. Only when we got to the door did it get weird.


That was the sign plastered on the door.
Up to my right was a video camera, watching every move.
Dean rang the doorbell then knocked loudly.

"What!" The voice came through the tiny speaker next to Dean.

"Hi, uh-uh Rufus?" Dean said into it.

"Yeah, yeah. Even if I am, the question is still the same, what?" The man answered.

"Uh I'm Dean Winchester, this is Ace Short, we're friends of Bobby Singer."


"You called him this morning."


Dean laughed awkwardly. "You told Bobby about a British chick who made contact with you."

"Yeah, so?"

"Just let us in, damn." I leaned on the house.

"Ave leave." Rufus said.

"It's Ace." I corrected.

"I don't care."

"Don't mind her, she has poor social skills." Dean smiled at the camera. "Anyway, you know where that British girl is?"


"Great! You think you could tell me where I could find her."


I opened my mouth to say something, but Dean shook his head. "Look, Rufus man-" The door opened, hitting me.

"Wow okay." I walked around to the other side.

The tall, dark man stood with a bowl of cereal. So this was Rufus. "Let me point something out for you." He said. "You are knocking at my door, so don't look man me, because I am not your man."

Dean cringed. "Sorry sir."

"Let me tell you something kid. Once upon a time Bobby called me and asked me to call him if I got a whiff of this Bela Talbot. I got a whiff, I called. The end." He went to close the door, but Dean stopped it.

I'm just kinda... Supernaturalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن