Malleus Maleficarum

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"What are we looking for right now?" I whispered to Sam as we looked around the bathroom.

"This." He pulled out a hex-bag from under the sink.

"That'll do it." I nodded. Sam opened the door and nudged his head to Dean.

"Thank you very much. I think we got everything we need, we'll get out of your way now." Dean said to the man. We walked out of the house into the pouring rain.

"Why cruel world, why." I took off my jacket I had on to look professional and FBI-ish and held it over my head.

"That dude seem a little abrasive to you guys?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, I was under a sink," Sam replied pulling the hex-bag out. "pulling this out. Hex-bag."

"Ugh. Gross." Dean stopped opening it up.

"There are bird bones, rabbits teeth, this cloth was probably cut from something Janet Dutton owned." Sam pointed at the stuff showing Dean.

"Can we keep moving it's kinda down pouring." I added in.

"So we're thinking witch?" Dean shoved the bag back at Sam and started walking again.

"Uh yeah. And not some new age wicked warlock either this is old world black magic, Dean. I mean warts and all." Sam explained as we got in the impala. I shook out my hair to dry myself off.

"I hate witches." Dean pointed out to Sam.

"Me too man, me too." I sighed.

"Always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere." Dean spoke more to me than Sam.

"And they're always like I'm a witch and you're just a demon, you can't kill me." I added on. "Like yes I can bitch how's that knife down your throat taste?"

"It's creepy!" Dean agreed with me. "Hell, it's down right unsanitary."

Sam laughed at us. "Yeah well, someone definitely had it out for Janet Dutton."

"Yeah someone who snuck into the house and planted the bag."

"Or a friend who was just 'going to the bathroom'." I suggested.

"That's the problem, they're human they could be anyone." Sam leaned on the seat of the impala.

"So someone in her life had an axe to grind with her?" I asked.

Sam nodded. "Most likely."

"So we find the motive, we find the murderer." Dean put the impala into drive and went.

"What about her hubby? Same person might want to cut down his life too." I asked as we drove around the block.

"Already on it." Dean smirked. The whole day was spent following around this boring mourning guy.

"If they were going to do it, don't you think they would have done it by now?" I sighed watching as he sat in his car eating a burger. I wish I had a burger.

"You never know when." Sam had his face pressed against the window, probably as bored as I was. I looked down for two seconds and the next second I looked up and Mr. Dutton was on the curb choking. Dean jumped the curb with the impala and we ran over.

"Check the car!" Dean screamed at Sam and I.

"Ace get the backseat!" Sam yelled as he dove into the front seat. I checked under the seats and on the ground before pulling my knife out about to rip open the backseat.

"Anything!?" Dean yelled.

"Got it!" I stopped my hand, turning and watching Sam burn the hex-bag.

I'm just kinda... SupernaturalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя