The guys eventually took notice of her. They greeted her politely before giving Lucas another ball to shoot. "Hey, you guys! Are you excited? Big night Luke." Carly grinned at the blond, who looked slightly nervous at her words. He shot her a smile, he turned his attention back to the hoop.

They proceeded to talk a bit more, Junk tried flirting with her continuously but Carly politely shrugged it off each time. Finally it was time for Luke to go to the game. The guys began arguing about whether or not they would go.

Carly's car horn cut off everyone's bickering. Liam motioned for her to come to the car, yelling a, "Let's go!" Carly laughed the boy's impatience and gave Luke a quick kiss on the cheek, most likely leaving a stain from her lipstick that he would have to wipe off later. Ignoring the catcalls from the guys as she walked away, Carly got in her car and sped off to the high school.

"So when are you going to tap that?" Skills asked Lucas, they began to pack up their stuff. Lucas laughed at the sudden question. His laughter vanished quickly when he noticed no one else was joining in.

He cleared his throat, "She's just a friend." Junk, who was walking ahead of Lucas, spun around and said "Dude no one is 'just friends' with a girl like Carly Andrews. Hop on that before someone else does." Lucas laughed taking the opportunity to tease Junk.

"Oh, like you? Nah, I wouldn't go for Carly anyways. Her heart's with someone else." Lucas walked towards the car and the guys piled inside. Mouth chimed in, "Who, Nathan? Please she's too good for him."

Lucas shrugged at the comment. "I've tried to tell her that but she won't listen. Carly's a sweet girl, but she doesn't believe in herself like she should. I made the bet with Nathan about her; if I won he'd leave her alone and let her find someone else. But let's see if he actually does it." The car nodded in agreement and drove off from the River Court, on their way to Whitey Durham Field House.


Carly pulled into her usual spot, killing the engine and the song that was currently playing along with it. Liam jumped out of the car and ran into the gym with some friends. Carly opened her trunk to gather up her bag and pom-poms.

Before she could shut it herself, a perfectly manicured hand came and slammed it shut for her. Carly looked up at the girl, who just so happened to be her best friend Brooke Davis.

Carly squealed and hugged her fellow cheerleader. Brooke did the same, squeezing the life out of her.

"I thought you weren't gonna show! Where have you been?" Carly asked. The girls began to make their way inside the gym.

"My parents thought I needed a vacation from school. I think they needed it more for themselves though. What have I missed?" Carly then dragged on and on about how half the team was suspended and Lucas beating Nathan during their one on one game.

"I'm gone for what, like 3 days and this town goes to crap. That game must have ruined Nathan." Brooke said. The girls continued to stretch and gossip. Carly looked over at the jersey numbered 23. He was dunking the ball during the warm up.

Carly smiled at Nathan who had locked eyes with her, he gave her a bigger one in return. "I think he's gonna be fine." Brooke gave Carly an all-knowing look as the raven-haired girl watched Nathan play with his teammates. Eventually, Peyton joined the two and the three girls all began to watch the boys warm up.

Brooke eyed Lucas up and down. "So that's the boy that beat Nathan?" She questioned Peyton who was also watching Lucas. Peyton nodded and Brooke made some sexual remark that made Carly and Peyton both cringe.

The buzzer sounded and it was time for the tip-off. The girls began cheering when Nathan had won the tip-off, putting the Ravens on the offensive. The ball was passed around. Eventually it got to Lucas but it slipped out of his hands and hit Peyton's legs.

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