Chapter 2

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Not edited. Please be aware that you may encounter spelling errors.

•Niall's POV•

I can't believe my dad never told me about this. How am I supposed to live with someone I don't even know. Since mom left he's been out of his mind, doing crazy shit all the time, and making plans without my import. If his Girlfriend is a complete bitch, which I highly think she is, I'm leaving. theirs is no way some little prissy bitch is coming into my house and taking over. She has no rule over me, she is not, and never will be my mother.

"We're here son." My dad parks in the drive way of a white two story house.

"For fucks sakes"

"Watch your language, or I'll give Elsa your room."

"Who's Elsa?" Oh god.

"I told you this earlier, its Emily's daughter. She's about your age, 2 years younger I think."

"No." I cross my arms.

"Yes, now get out of this car and be polite."


Emily's house is completely overwhelming. From colourful flowers everywhere, to patterns bouncing off walls. Being in here is giving me a headache and I need to get out soon. Emily herself makes me want to throw up. How could my dad like her? She looks like a complete barbie with her 10inch heals, and hair as tall as the Eiffel tower. To add she's wearing about 50 pounds of make up that doesn't even make her look flattering. Fucken old pricks.

"Just come sit in her," she leads both me and my fathet to the living room, and motions us to sit down on her couch. Me and my father both sit down and take in the view. Its quite beautiful actually. Might be my favorite part of the house. Its like Emily forgot to decorate because the walls are simple, with one wall fully made from brick. The brick wall has a fire place on it centered in the middle of the room. Soon enough she's back placing a tray of triangle cut mini sandwiches, and an assortment of Vegetables. My dad stands up to 'Thank her', and I turn my face toward the food.

"What do you say, Niall?"

"Oh no dear, its all okay." Emily speaks up. Thank god because I wasn't going to say anything anyways. Everything turns into an awkward silence for a bit until Emily once agains speaks up, "Umm, so I'll go up and get Elsa so you both can meet her. Shes lovely." Than she leaves the room.

"Use your manners boy," my dad glares are me like I did something wrong. I really didn't tho. Instead of replying something ignorant I decide to keep it to myself. Nothing worse than starting a fight in some random chicks house. Theirs yelling from upstair, and then foot steps walking down the stairs. Out from the corner pops a smiling Emily. Great.

"She'll be down very soon," she pauses," But I forgot to mention to you something."

"What would that be hun," my dad stands up to be with his girlfriend.

"Well I didn't particularly tell Elsa that we are moving, and I definitely didn't tell her about you."

"Oh, well this is going to be inter-" A girl, I'm guessing Elsa, walks into the room. She looks like a typical bitch. Like someone who would hang out with the populars at school.

Emily, Elsa's mom obviously, speaks out something I don't quite catch.

"You made me." Elsa says in reply to he mom.

"Anyways Id like for you to meet, Bobby, and his son, Niall." My dad turns to get off the couch, and gestures for me to do the same. I think for a moment and do what he wants because I don't what to hear about it the whole way home.

"Elsa," her mom pauses, looking back to tell us, me and my father, to come toward her. probably to support her, which is highly unlikely. "Were moving" I hear Come out of Emily's mouth. Elsa's facal expression is hilarious and I can't stop my self from smirking.


"Were moving."

"Where?" Demanding bitch, who even talks to their mom like this.

"New York."

"Okay." she looks petrified.

"No questions?" 


"Well then I lll just tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"Were moving in with Bobby."

And right then and their my life goes down hill. This is not going to be fun.

This is unedited because my computer broke down and is sent in to repair, and its really hard to edit using a phone. Please understand. I also understand that this chapter is very short and once I. a while I will have chapters up like this. To make clear, this chapter is just recapping last chapter but from Niall's POV and not Elsa's. I know that its not that exciting, and I promise that next chapter will be better! If you have any problems, or ideas please feel free to leave a moment stating whatever you want to state. Thank you for reading!

Twitter: snugglexhoran

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