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Crosshairs p.o.v

"SHANE, TESSA!" Bumblebee yelled as he ran for them transforming and going after Barricade.

"NO!" Cade yelled running after them. "TESSA!" He cried and fell to his knees and punched the ground. I watched along with everyone else and looked at the way Bee went.

The battle we got caught in....wasn't going well. We were jumped when the humans were sleeping letting Barricade grab the two youngest and attack us along with some other slobbering punk ass Decepticons.

Cade growled and stood then we all saw Bee in the distance he transformed but fell I flinched and went to go but then Hound stopped me. As he nodded to
Bee I looked closer to see he was like Cade....spark broken...or heart broken. He stood then walked back to us slowly I saw he got a new dent to his door wing. Cade sniffled and Bee bent down to him. "We'll..get them...back..sir." His radio switched station to station as he moved his peds to shift. Bee put his digit under Cade's chin and lifted his face up gently.

"Bee...why am I such a bad dad?" He stood then Bee did.

"Cade, this does not make you a bad sire er Dad." Drift nodded to him. "Tis' was our fault little sensei." Cade looked at him and shook his head.

"All I want, is my daughter and her boyfriend to be back here." He demanded then Bee nodded to him.

"You got that right, we will help you in any way possible Cade." Hot Rod notified him in which Cade nodded. "For that, I thank you for staying here with us." Hot Rod then nodded to Bee so Bee picked up Cade then Hot Rod growled.

"What?" Cade asked.

"We aren't alone." I answered sniffing the air but Hot Rod looked at me then nodded and I looked at Bee he transformed. "Prime, what's our next move?" He sent me a message which I looked at him before looking at it and then glared at him. "You can't be serious." He glared back. Bee revved his engine then raced towards the signal.

"Bee's got this Crosshairs. He's growing up. He can do this." Hound patted me then got his weapons out along with me, Prime, and Drift.

We heard metal clashing against metal. Then two cars racing towards us but their was too much dust for us to see who was who. "MOVE!" Hot Rod shouted so we all did. Then the one behind the other one transformed and tackled the one in front and shot it on the ped blowing it off so he couldn't go no where. The dust settled and I sighed in relief as Bee was shown to be the one unharmed.

"DON'T HURT HIM LAS!" A mans shout came from the bots comm, Bee had a small Autobot.....human sized. Bee immediately put away his cannon and helped him up. His leg was only burnt. Soft Bee. "I am not part of the cons or apart of Quintessa's plan!" An old man as the humans call them, said from the comm then I growled as Cade looked at the small bot from the ground and Bee walked up behind Cade after the small bot went in front of Cade.

"Hi I'm Cogman and I need you to come with me sir." The small bot now known as Cogman nodded towards Cade.

"Im gonna squish this little cockroach." I growled as I came up behind him and was about to grab him by his head but then he grabbed my hand and broke my digits. "GAHHH!" I yelled as I rolled on the ground.

"What are you some kind of ninja robot?!" Cade glared.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

"No, I'm a buttler for my master." Cogman nodded to me and I nodded back. "Nice seeing you Bumblebee." Cade stood and turned to look at me.

"You know him?!" Crosshairs shouted holding out his hand so Hound could fix it up. I nodded to him then he growled. "I don't see how!" He barked.

"Well, where is Hot Rod?" Cogman put his hands together then a bot came behind me then put a hand on my shoulder plating I looked to see Hot Rod. "Ah, nice seeing you too. Finally, the two brother-in-arms gig is back together I presume." He smiled as I shifted my peds and nodded to him. "And who are these amateurs?" Cogman turned to Drift, Hound and Crosshairs. Drift took out a katana, Hound aimed a gun at him, and Crosshairs growled.

"They aren't amateurs, they are apart of my team." Hot Rod got in the middle of the two battling sides. "No one is to harm anyone else!" He growled and glared at both of them. Then an explosion made Cogman jump. We all turned to see.....Galvatron. "Frag."

"This day just gets better and.....stupider." My radio flung out as I got out my cannons. As everyone else was prepared. "You either need to leave or parish." My radio sang as we all had our weapons out but I felt Cogman against my leg. He didn't have any real weapons only one but that's for something else.

     "What makes you puny Autobots think I'm gonna back off now?!" He growled. Taking his sword out with his shield. Like a knight. Wait, knight! CADE! I looked behind me and saw Cade.

"Cade, you don't engage. Stay here. If he comes after you or any other con does. You run! I'll have you covered and I'll try my hardest to keep you safe. I know why they are here." I did my best to say all of it threw my real voice. He looked at me questioningly. "Just stay with Cogman." He nodded.

"GAHHH!" Hound yelled as he fell to the ground. "Take him down!" He yelled patching himself up.

"Drift take the sky!" Hot Rod shouted as we all opened fire on him as he came running. I was taken down next just not as smoothly he grabbed me by my throat as I was running up behind him. He threw me down then before I knew it, he stabbed me. When he stabbed me he took out just as fast. I laid there for a little bit till I felt hands on the wound I slowly turned my head to the figure and saw it was Hound.

"Stay awake Bee. Stay awake." He said. I choked on something and felt liquid I saw energon everywhere. I knew I was coughing it up. I felt Hound put pressure on the wound then he started to patch it up. But I knew it wouldn't work if I kept coughing up this much energon. I cried out when I felt a pain I shouted when I felt it again I saw Hound melting the metal back. I started to leak tears of coolant.

     "BEE!" Crosshairs yelled I saw his green and silver face come up in mine. He wore a face of worry. "Imma dismantle him when I see him next time!" He yelled. I looked around to see everyone around me. The battle was already over? 

    "C-Cade?" I chocked out and I felt a small hand pat me I smiled. Then I saw Hot Rod set a hand on my head. "Hot Rod?" He smiled. "Hairs?" Crosshairs looked at me. "You are the best brothers I have ever had." I whispered.

     "Ya aren't saying goodbye yet." Hairs said then I saw Hound sticking a needle into my arm then Crosshairs. "You'll get everything you need, little Bee." I nodded and let the energon come back to me I felt myself able to vent correctly again I felt hyped! I sat up after Hound pulled it out and tried to stand up but cried in pain. "I got ya." Hairs said putting his arm around my waist as I draped an arm over his shoulders. "Let's go with Cogman." He said and I nodded as we started to walk a little.

     We are going home.

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