No one spoke as the girl was hauled out of the room by a stern-looking woman, and not a voice was heard as Madame scrutinised the crowd for two more to step forward. Her hawk-like gaze pierced us all, digging into our heads, getting into our thoughts. It was paralysing. "You,"

I wanted to fall, to break into pieces, to evaporate when her long finger pointed directly at me - but I could not do that. I would not dare to do that. Instead, my heart in my throat and head clouded with anxious thoughts, I stepped forward, clenching my fists against the overwhelming wish to cry.

Red-hot fear was sending my body into cold sweats. I knew what was to come. I knew what to expect. My fists were balled and I had taken a stance, but was there a point? My fate was coming too fast to be changed.

My opponent, a stockier girl with darker hair than mine, glared at me in a mix of anger and fear, a look that laid on most faces in the arena. She was scared too, but forced it down and held up her fists to begin an attack. Her defense was the anger and it was all she could hold onto as she prepared for a fight. I, however, stood paralysed in fear, staring at her like she was the worst demon I could imagine - in a sickening sense, perhaps she was.

She had once been my friend. No more; she was about to tear me to shreds, without a second thought. And I had no right to even hold that against her, for I would do the same, if only I could.

I swallowed, hard.


It all moved too fast around me. Her fists flew like lightning and cursed my cheeks, knocking me down to the cold pavement before I could speak or move my body in defence. I lifted my arms to protect myself against her, but by that point, she had already broken through and slammed against my face, masking her fear with pure adrenaline and a terrifying yearning for my pain. My opponent showed no mercy, and pounded my face and torso against the ground until all I could feel was pain, pain, pain-


It was all over. The girl stepped away, towering over me and my shame.

I held back the tears of pain and grief, leaning my head against the pavement and clenching my eyes closed so I didn't have to stare at her or anyone else's disappointed frowns. It seemed a lot easier than facing my troubles. I could not escape, of course, but at least with scrunched up eyes, I could pretend to for just a few moments.

Two hands grabbed me, rough and hard, with such a force that I knew it was not Madame or my classmates. They dragged me across the cobblestones and through a door that clanged as we stepped through, away from the outside smells and sounds that once surrounded me. I did not want to open my eyes, but I did anyway, watching the dark ceiling race past me as I was dragged off to my punishment. 

A whimper escaped my throat, high-pitched and more of a cry than an interjection, and I thrashed in the arms that held onto me so securely. I did not want this. I did not want the punishment - I did not need to know what it was to know how terrible it would be. I needed to get out.

I was so small. Just a child.

"Please," I sobbed in broken Russian, thick tears now dripping freely from my cheeks and staining the floor, "I am sorry! Do not do this! Please!"

No response, only the thud of my body hitting a large table, followed by two straps hitting my ankles. 

I was so small.

But they did not care.


I shot up, breathing heavily, chest rising at lightning speed in order to suck back in the air I had been holding. It was still dark, dark enough to not know where I was or any of my surroundings, but still I swung my legs out of the bed anyways and leant my head against my hands, trying to recollect my thoughts.

Little Spy | Peter Parker ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن