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"Don't worried, dear. This is their choose and action. Not as your. Because you are true Heartfilia. Keeping up and proud of being Celestial Spirit Mage. Go on." She said as her form twitched to nobody.

"W-what. W-what wait! I have a questions about y-ou!" Young Heartfilia cried in panic and sadness and tried reach out of her hand to caught her arms, but Lucy 's form disappeared with this-

"Good Luck, Anna Heartfilia. Strongest Celestial Spirit Mage." Lucy's last words to young Heartfilia or should I tell Anna Heartfilia, descendant and ancestor of Heartfilia.


Yukino's POV

"Good Luck, Anna Heartfilia..."

The mist scene of her mermory disappeared as this her last words to Anna Heartfilia, strongest Celestial mage, her descendant.

Fairy Tail and everybody froze in shock at Lucy meet her descendant, AKA Anna Heartfilia, Layla's mother.

"No way." One of Fairy Tail spoke out.

Angel and me nods in unison.

"Yes. Anna Heartfilia is one of true Heartfilia because of Celestial Mage in the Heartfilia Family is true." I answer.

The mist of new scene appear while familiar voice speak.

"Acnologia." A familiar voice call out.

Pale Blonde with golden eyes stare at Acnologia's back who knee to pack his things.

"Acno, what do you doing now? Why do you packing for?" She asked in curious.

Acnologia sighed, turned to Lucy.

"Luce, did you forgot today?" He asked, looking at her head shook as it said no.

Acnologia rubbing his forehead then pulling his long dark blue hair to back of him.

"Today is dragons leaving to Earthland. You know Dragon games like arena to see who is most strongest dragon." He explained to her.

Lucy narrowed her golden eyes with frown.

"This is sound horrible." She said with frown at him.

Acnologia sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but is only one way for dragons because us are stubborn dragons." He chuckled softly as smiled.

Lucy was deep in thought then her face lit up in new idea.

"But what if dragons have kingdoms like fire kingdom, wind kingdom, and more element of kingdoms, every seven years in every five elements from their kingdoms to see who are stronger element can going to Earthland to find their dragon slayers to see worthy then leave them to see all elements of dragons slayers who can protect their family." She said in one breath in excitement.

Acnologia just humming.

"This isn't bad idea. But what if this would making corrupt themselves to evil? What if it is going more worse?" He asked in worried for future dragons and dragon slayers.

Lucy frowns.

"Well about this. Corrupted and evil dragons and dragons slayers just go..." she drifting off with worried appear her face, "you-know-where-they-going-to-this-place." She finished in her sentence as Acnologia widened eyes.


Few years later..

Dragons agree with Luclia they can have kingdoms of their own elements. They was forced to seal corrupted dragons away to you-know-where-they-going-to-this-place... This place making others feel shaking their body in frightening.

Luclia and King of Universe don't shaking in frightening because they have experience this before in ages. Luclia and King only watching them changing.

Lucila sick of watching people's suffering, pain and evil. She just want everything to stop their wars, but can't because this always happens repeats in the history.

Every time great heros only have sad or tragic ending making her wailing out for them because at ending heros and heroines just smile weakly at people then die.

One time important day.

One hero is most greatest and powerful hero got betrayed by his side and families just used him.

They killed him in cold hearted. Lucila roar in rage then appear in them with fury aura is powerful than them like universe.

Lucila screaming at them.

"What do you doing?!! You just murdered powerful and greatest hero who saved in two time for you! You just throw him out like yesterday dinner throwed out!" She screamed in rage. Her golden eyes turn glow golden than other golden is fierce.

She snarled at hero's former lover who cheated him by having sex other man.


After this whole time. They have curse in whole lifes and their children who suffer of the curse who Luclia giving only bad or evil hearts in their families.

She watching this whole time then she asked ghost hero who died.

"Hero, you can become the King of Heros and Heroines in ghost of great heros and heroines Realm?" Lucila asked.

Ghost great hero think in moment then nods in agreement.

Lucila smile in relieved.

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