Chapter 4 - Close

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Chapter 4:


*Location: Unknown

"Where are we?", Mark asked after a few seconds of being disoriented. One look at his side and he knew that he was not the only one who looked like vomit was only two seconds away. Well, Lily at least.

"You'll find out soon enough", the guy named Nathan said.

"That sounds ominous.", Lily said, in between coughs. "Okay, seriously, what the hell is going on?"

"Good question." Nathan said.

Mark could not believe that this thing is actually happening. "Okay, you pull us out of ... whatever that was and you don't even know what was happening?"

"Well, we couldn't just leave you there. What? You think you could have fended off that attack if we weren't there?", Jake said.

Mark and Lily looked at each other, lost for words.

"Exactly.", Jake said.

"Anyway, we better be going now.", Nathan said.

"Also, we do know where we're going. Trust me", Jake said.

At that, the four of them started walking.

It was only now that Mark had taken a look at the surroundings. They were apparently in a small metallic tube that stretched a good fifty feet. At the end of it is a wall made of solid concrete.

"Now what?" Mark muttered under his breath.

To Mark's surprise, Nathan just continued walking forward.

"No, no, no, that's a..." Mark began to plead.

Where the wall was standing, boring and gray, now comes a huge room filled with people.

Lily noticed that most of them are teenagers.

"Woah" Lily and Mark couldn't hide their disbelief.

"Okay, you probably have questions." Jake said encouragingly.

There actually were lots of questions swimming in Mark's head right now but as of the moment, there was only one he managed to put in a sentence.

"Where's the wall?"

Nathan chuckled. Jake rolled his eye at Nathan then proceeded to go to the center of the room.

"Welcome to SIA. Short for Super Individuals Academy. That wall was just an illusion, placed so that no one can find us."

There was a bit of a silence at that.

"So, like superheroes?", Lily asked, confused.

"Well, not exactly. We can just do some stuff that normal people can't.", Jake replied.

"Yeah, that's a superhero." Mark said.

"No, superheroes go around saving people all around. We just want to survive and hopefully live another day." Nathan explained.

"If you just want to survive, why do you have a school?" Mark asked.

"Because we all need to know the extent of our capabilities, and we need to know how we can use them to survive, and to help other people." a voice from the corridor said.

The figure emerged, revealing a woman in her late 40's, wearing a corporate attire. Her face looks young but there is something about her electric blue eyes that tells you otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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