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June 10th, 1955

i fell in love tonight with the man down the liqour filled street whom i see staggering his way out of the sinister cursed theatre that portrays myriad ballad of naked bodies of ecstatic moans of copulate shrills and gyzym of pure euphoria where they trade goods of eternal damnation but goods to make you feel less lonely, i visit the store sometimes maybe more my minds a haze of sex steams,

i fell in love with the man who hates jazz and bobs his head to a self made tune when asked why he says "its all fun and games until you realize you're actually a piece of hollow shit who uses somebody else's melodies to water his feelings" he says he likes to add melodies when harlequin blondes salvage his hunger for lust,

the man who skips his way over the polluted dynamo of upper-class locomotive with green faced trench coat cladded men that spew obnoxious market vocabulary,

he who speaks to a wilting flower in the most seducing enthralling language clogging my brain cells with summer sweet fantasises of ripe fruit sundaes,

he who practices suicide calling them anecdotes who contemplates jumping off into the Hudson River with sheer delight and misery strained voice managing to somehow give me boners

the man who talks about how his father sold his mother to lobotomy because she was two handsful

he who chokes out blood on your urine stained tenement, purgatories his tongue with peyote and bennies and tongues to the rhythmic chorus of an ensued traffic under the neon lights of semen boroughs where men meet women and take home women and tear through the winter infatuation of Brooklyn with women grinding between their slender thighs where men hold female hands calling them satin skipping through the clouds of platonic relationships but taking perpetual deliberate heavy steps so they fall down tearing each others clothes where men see-watch-look-hear-stare-hoot enjoy women undress their secularity waving their genitals as greetings which is fairly acceptable and sell their chastity in exchange of bread where insatiate men are conscious assholes scraping away nibbling at buttercream female skin

oh shit he likes women


its past one and im 18

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