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Chapter 6 - Shefani Coffee

Gwen woke up with a sore back. She felt mosquitoes all over her body and she was cold. Her head though, her head was fine.

I don't remember getting a new pillow, Gwen thought in her sleep, snuggling closer to this so-called pillow.

Then, she realized that this "pillow" was breathing.

She shot up to see a sleeping Blake. He was snoring slightly, which made Gwen giggle.

He's cute, She thought to herself.

"Hey! I'm calling the cops!" a man yelled. Gwen looked around to see an old man waving his cane from the farmhouse.

"Shit!" she exclaimed. "Blake, it's time to wake up!" she panicked, but the cowboy wasn't budging. "I'm sorry." she said before she slapped him in the face.

He woke up suddenly, rubbing his cheek. "Hey, what was that for?"

"We gotta go!" Gwen said in a hurry.

"Why?" Blake asked, not getting her sudden panic. But then he heard sirens in the distance.

"Oh, fuck!" Blake said, rushing to now get off the roof.

The two quickly jumped off of the roof they were on, and ran towards the woods. They could hear the sirens getting closer, which made them run even faster into the trees.

"Quick, hide in here!" Blake whisper-yelled, showing a hole in the ground covered by leafs. Gwen quickly went into the hole, with Blake quickly following her. They covered their hiding place back up with the leafs, and waited in silence.

They were panting from running. They needed to be quiet before the cops heard them, but they couldn't stop breathing loudly.

The college kids could hear the sirens and men talking loudly.

"They went in the woods!" they heard the old man yell. Then, they could hear all the policemen crunching around in the woods.

"We need to stop," Gwen whispered, still gasping for air. "Breathing." she finished. But, they had ran so hard, their bodies weren't used to it.

They heard the shouts coming closing. More panic flooded the lovebird's systems. Gwen suddenly got an idea.

"Do not make a sound." Gwen said, and then she went in and kissed Blake's lips.

She could tell that he wasn't expecting it, but he understood her idea. They simply kept their lips on the each other's, making sure they did not make a sound.

The heard the police talking, looking around to find them.

"Did the man give you a description of them?" one policeman asked.

"No, he said he only could see that it was a guy and a girl." another policeman spoke.

"This crazy old man always finds teenagers in his yard. He should just get a damn security system already." a policeman spoke, making his coworkers laugh.

The talking eventually went out of earshot, implying the coast was clear for the two trespasser. However, in the heat of the moment, their lips started moving together.

In sync, their lips molded perfectly. It was soft at first, like Gwen always dreamed it would be. But as time went on, things got more heated. Soon their tongues came into the picture, searching for dominance.

"Gwen," Blake moaned, making Gwen want more.

"Gwen." he said again, but this time, it sounded more distant. Then her vision started to go away, everything going to black.

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