Chapter Twenty-Seven~ Ezra

Start from the beginning

It could not be ignored as the boy started talking again. "It doesn't bother you, Ezra? Kissing someone that I've kissed before. Touching someone that I've touched?" Ezra pulled back from Adrian's mouth and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Adrian's hand pressed against his face.


"Just picture it, Ezra. His legs around my waist grinding against me. Think about that. Do you know how easy it was for me to get him there? Too easy, Ezra. Think about that. Think about how much of a slut your bo-"

And the next thing he knew, Caleb was on the ground crying as he clutched his nose again and Ezra was shaking out his hand and mutter, "mother fucker that fucking hurt". His knuckles burned from when they had connected with Caleb's face, but he didn't regret doing it. No one called Adrian a slut and got away with it.

Ezra turned to the boy who he had just defended and grimaced at him. "I'm sorry that you keep having to see me like this," he said, but Adrian was just staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face. "Adri? Are you okay?"

Adrian moved towards him, throwing his arms around Ezra's neck and muttering, "I am so turned on right now," before planting his open mouth on his. Ezra returned the kiss with equal passion, his hands gripping Adrian's waist tightly as his tongue explored the other's mouth.

He didn't care that they were in public or that there was a boy on the ground behind him sobbing, all he cared about was this boy infront of him who was moaning into his mouth. "From now on," Ezra mumbled against his lips, "you can only be a slut for me". Adrian gasped and Ezra quickly flicked his tongue into the other's mouth.

To his disappointed (but probably for the best) they were interrupted by a car horn and Ezra pulled back to his his parents car. His mother rolled down the window and called to them, "keep it pg!" and then, "Is that boy okay?"

Adrian laughed and grabbed Ezra's hand, pulling him towards the car, ignoring the crying boy on the pavement. Before he pulled open the door he pressed up onto his toes and whispered sexily in his ear, "my parents won't be home until later tonight". Ezra couldn't help the moan that left his mouth as Adrian licked the shell of his ear teasingly before pushing him back and climbing in the car.


It seemed to be the day of interruptions. His kiss with Adrian had been interrupted at home by his mother, and then their kiss at the restaurant had been interrupted first by Caleb, and then once again, by his mother, and now Ezra's time watching Adrian sleep was interrupted by the boy's mother, who watched him with wide eyes, eyeing his shirtless form and then the pile of cloths on the bedroom floor.

"Can I talk to you in a minute?" Ezra asked, and Adrian's mother slowly nodded, looking at her son asleep in Ezra's arms one last time before exiting the room.

Ezra was careful as he removed the sleeping boy off of his chest, wanting to let him sleep for a little longer and not worry about the conversation Ezra was about to have with his mother. To be respectful, and to avoid awkwardness, Ezra pulled on his jeans and put his shirt back on before leaving the room.

Adrian's mother was waiting for him in the hall. "I don't want you seeing my son," was the first thing that left her lips and Ezra simply shook his head.

"That's nice, but I really don't care what you want". Her face was blank as she processed this information, and then she simply nodded as if she accepted it. "We've already been through so much already. There's no way that we're going to break up just because you don't want me to see him".

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