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Hi my name is Sabrina Longwater. I work in the most horrid place ever, American Burgers or what I like to call it the burger shack. Yup, fast food... great. Then there's my ex boyfriend/ boyfriend again/ he doesn't know what he wants... every time we're around each other we fall in love all over again but then when we get away from each other either he doesn't know how to text back or he never answers the phone or when he does it's not for long. He always tells me to move on but never actually expects me to. He expects me to wait until he's good and ready to finally be together again... oh right and he claims he's not talking to any other female. But anyways since it's summer the burger shack always has interesting characters. Especially since it's on the shore of the beach there's always guys there and of course my manager always has me on the front dealing with people's attitudes and whatnot since I have "good customer service". Needless to say I'm every guys flirt dummy.. and they always come up with the dumbest line "you're cute for a black girl" gooooosssshhhhh I hate that line. What are you trying to say ? Black girls aren't usually pretty ? Why can't I just be cute? But sometimes I do meet some pretty cool people that test the waters. Lately I was waiting around on my ex but now I realize maybe I can have a little fun too.

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