Talking of minds

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* Jesse POV*

My body hurts. It felt like i died. Nothing seems to be in order about this. I barely remember what happened. All i remember was a gourgeous boy, then i blacked out!

I woke up, seeing myself in the same room i feel asleep in. I sat up looking around for the man, but dont even remember what he looks like. He's tall and pale. Thats all i remember. Pain came to my neck. I rubbed it and felt two holes.

I jump off the bed and go to the mirror. There it was..... two holes on my neck, like something bite me. What the hell happened to me?!

" Love the bite mark i gave you?" A voice said behind me. I look in the mirror, but dont see anything. I turn around and see the sexy man behind me. I turn back to the mirror and dont see him, turning back around, he was three inches away from me! How is he doing this?!

" How come i cant see you in the mirror? Are you like a ghost or a vam...... Ohhhhhh shit! Its coming back to me!" The bite, the love on my neck..... he is a vampire! A sexy one that is! I dont care if i say that because he cant here my thoughts.

" Yes i can, 'sexy one'." He says while smirking. He can hear my thoughts?! Thats weird! Well, awkward in this situation because i hate when i think in my mind and say stuff. Oh, he's giving me that look like im weird.

" Your not weird at all darling." He said taking steps forward. I couldnt scoot back because i was up against the dresser. He was just a inch away now. Centimeter. Milimeter. Man, im lame thinking like this.

He face was right infront of my face. His breath hits my face, making me blush and smell his breath. It finally smells good! Every time im next to a man, i say they need a mint. They really do. They smell like they eat trash everyday, or in some cases have been licking girls pussy that smeel like fish.

" I dont do that Jesse. But thank you for saying my breath smells good." Oh shit i totally forgot he listens to minds. Ive got to stop talking.

My mind slips away as his lips connect with mines. He has those kissable lips that you want to kiss forever. Man was i drouning in them. He moved his hands down to my waist. Me, being dumbstruck, didnt move my hands at all. They just dangled by my side like i was a puppet.

Finally, when i had the courage, i moved my hands to his shoulders. They were buff. Like fit, fit. Awkward moment again in my head tho.

He licked my bottom lip, pretty much asking for promission, witch i granted.

I hope he doesnt want to have sex. I mean i would take him on a ride of a life time, but i have know idea about this dude besides his name and he is a vampire and that he is hot.

After our tougue fight, he pulled away, making me want more tho. Wohoo, best long kiss ever.

He smirked at me, making me think about what he was think. Oh shit, i forgot he read minds. Wow, im really tired i think. Maybe just hungry. I did smell steak tho.

" Come down, we are making steaks. Your cousin is also down here. The tall one." Oh, he is talking about Tori. I bet she is ok with this. She likes this kind of freaky stuff.

We walked down the steps, his hand on my back, acting like we a couple. Even tho i do wanna be his girlfriend.

I heard voice that sound like they were argueing about stuff. We walk in to see Tori argueing with a dude that looked like the dude in the photo. There was another dude sitting inbetween them at the table looking annoyed by their conversation.

All six eyes turned are way to look at me mainly. Tori got up and hugged me, cutting my breathing levels.

" Hey, your finally awake. I was getting annoyed by Chres over here. He kept on making fun of me."

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