Star In The Spotlight

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So I've decided to write a chapter filled with parallels, because it will be fun. This chapter is mostly for laughs and giggles to make myself happy. 'Cause why not?

Hope you guys enjoy it as well!

P.S-- Sorry if it's too long.
P.S.S-- Stay tuned for the ending of the chapter. :)

Stars dangled from the ceiling as lights were strewn all around the vast room. Swaying lightly from the breeze that crept it's way through the slightly opened door.

A few red and blue colored balloons threatened to make the party supply box that they were tied to, go airborne as the box slowly emptied.

The stars twinkled in response to the lights when Pacifica flipped them on and off. She watched in awe as light reflected off the stars onto the walls.

Gideon looked around the room as if he had found his way into another universe. In all of his life living at the Shack, never had it looked so clean and inviting.

"This party Bud's throwin' may actually have a chance," Gideon commented as he swiped a finger across a table and inspected it for dust.

"No kidding!" Pacifica replied though it seemed as if she was lost in her own world.

"This is gonna be awesome!" She added with a bright smile as she took a few supplies from the party box.

In a split second, she grabbed Gideon's wrist as he was still examining the area and pulled the stubborn, startled boy to the couch.

Time past rapidly, and in that time, Robbie and Deuce had completed most of the decorating and preparing.

Everyone seemed to be hyped about the party, even Bud, who was never easily amused.

"Oh no, Gideon. I-I don't feel so good." complained Pacifica holding her stomach before she went "BBBBLLLAAAA!" in his face as she sprayed silly string at him.

Gideon reacted with a false act of disgust and shielded his face from her attack. Soon, he put on a twisted face of pain.

"Ohhh, Buddd, what did you feed us? BBBBBLLLAAAA!" he sprung up from his seat and sprayed Pacifica in the face.

The two soon found themselves in an all out war, as they sprayed and deflected each other's attacks.

Gideon, though at a small disadvantage being short and all, still found a way to easily match up to Pacifica since he was very skilled at discovering people's weaknesses and using them to his advantage.

Yet Pacifica was very fast and all over the place.

Dodging and jumping towards an opening like a wild animal fighting for dominance.

She was chaotic in her pursuits, and extremely reckless, which could prove as a fatality for Gideon if she ever caught him off guard.

"Guys, guys, stop!" yelled Robbie in a serious tone, catching both of the kids' attention. "Something terrible just happened!"

They stood in their place staring and blinking at him, wondering what the problem was.

"BBBBLLLAAAA!" Suddenly roared from the teen's throat as he launched an attack of two silly string cans.

Laughing hysterically, they all found themselves covered completely in different colored silly string.

Gideon gathered up a pile of confetti and threw it up into the air as he giggled "Comedy gold!"

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