Feeling warm all over, Ivy texted Daryl to see if he had arrived yet; his text stating he had just pulled up and was waiting for her.

When she stepped off the elevator everyone standing by the security desk stopped talking, mouths open and eyes wide.

Good! Thought Ivy...she was wondering what kind of affect she was going to have and well she got her answer.

"Ivy?" Davis was the first to speak as she walked by. Not wanting to be rude she turned around to face the security man.

"You look, just wow!" He stammered. Ivy smiled genuinely at him and thanked him, musing at how that was the first time he'd ever called her Ivy. It had always been Ms. Glenn.

Daryl was standing by the car with his crisp, clean, and sharp looking black suit. Smiling he held her door open saying "Ms. Glenn I sure hope you have a beau waiting on you or your evening is going to get very interesting."

Ivy heard Daryl and even politely said thank you and smiled all the while she was still being crushed on the inside because of Jensen's betrayal. But both of them would be eating out of the palm of her hand after tonight.

She was still feeling empowered by the shot of vodka and she was thankful for the liquid courage, she would need it and more to pull off her little plan.

Once inside the club Ivy was sure that her presence was noted the minute Daryl pulled up to the curb. She knew Aiden's reach and it was long, very long.

Ivy had two more shots of vodka and then headed for the stairs that led to the VIP area and, in return, Aiden and Jensen.

She knew Wallace would take to the shadows, watching her interact with Jensen, so she would give a show that would put Broadway to shame.

Sure enough there was Jensen leaning over the railing and watching her as she glided up the marble stairs.

Making his way to her he said "I wasn't sure if you were even going to come tonight."

"Well that just shows how much you know about me Jensen. You see I won't let my team down, or disappoint them. I've had too much of that so I know it feels horrible, and I wouldn't put my worst enemy through that."

Sighing heavily Jensen took Ivy by her elbow and led her to the exquisite looking bar that wrapped around the upper room.

"What are you drinking?" Jensen asked. Ivy decided that she would accept as many drinks as he was willing to ply her with, thus her endgame would flow more fluidly with the more liquid courage she got into her.

"Vodka, straight" Ivy said her gaze sweeping the room. She was looking for an area to put into action the first phase of her plan.

She had made a special trip by the DJ booth and requested one of three songs and it was almost time for the first one.

Slamming her shot back she took Jensen's hand and led him to a somewhat devoid area of chairs and tables, she was about to give Aiden a show to remember and make Jensen wished he hadn't fucked her over.

When the song started Ivy stood in front of Jensen, her arms stretched above her head as she erotically moved her hips; dipping down slightly and slowly coming back up, any stripper would be proud of that move.

The song was perfect too; LaRoux "I'm Not Your Toy." Turning she had her back to Jensen's front she started grinding on him, while looking in the direction she thought Aiden might be lurking from.

She was going to give every red blooded man in that club a heart attack with the way she was dressed and moving and that's exactly what she wanted.

Jensen couldn't stand it anymore; the thought of bedding her was causing his cock to throb mercilessly.  He had  to put a stop to this right now.

Jensen spun her around quickly, his hands gripping her biceps. "What in the fuck do you think you're going to accomplish by pissing him off?" He asked roughly.

Ivy laughed, making her boss glare at her. "Do you honestly think I give two fucks about what Aiden Wallace thinks? I will resign tomorrow, that's how much I don't care right now. Anywhere is better than here" she ended bitterly.

Jensen looked shocked and Ivy was secretly rejoicing. But before he could reply a cold, detached voice replied from the shadows just as Ivy's second song came on; Blue Foundation "Eyes on Fire." His eyes looked positively glowing and not in a good way. He was pissed.

"Are you absolutely sure about that Ms. Glenn? You're willing to give up your position here?" Aiden asked almost standing in front of her.

"Oh yes, Sir" she answered snarkily. This disrespect caused Aiden to growl. "That's one infraction Ms.Glenn, and your punishment is going to make me extremely happy."

His laugh made Ivy realize that punishment was imminent but maybe this is what she wanted; to piss him off enough that he would show her his true colors and beat the shit out of her. After all isn't that what she truly deserved? Ivy was second guessing her actions.

Aiden was quick when he grabbed her roughly by the wrist and jerked her to his body. Ivy gasped as she collided with a hard, chiseled chest.

His scent and body heat making her weak and she hated herself for letting something like that take her completely off track but the words, the beat and the alcohol was making her body act most traitorously.

Spicy and clean was how he smelled, like a man should smell. She bit her lower lip as his hand flowed smoothly down her backside, cupping her ass cheek and squeezing.

She watched his head dip to her neck, his breath scorching her skin while the lower half of his body erotically grinded away on hers, the need for friction a must.

"I know what you want little Ivy" his warm minty breath caressing her skin as he spoke. "You want to be dominated. Your little body is crying out for pleasure, and the only way to achieve true pleasure is to find someone that knows how to administer it properly. I'm that someone." He was so confident in his assessment.

The song that came on, which Ivy had not requested and could have only been a majestic fluke, was Cigarettes After Sex "I'm Not Gonna Hurt You" and Aiden's eyes reflected the fact that he did not want to hurt her; not mentally or emotionally that is, but physically? That was another story.

"Trust me" he whispered.

How? How was she supposed to trust him after the betrayal he and Jensen pulled? God help her she didn't want to but her curiosity was starting to get the best of her and she decided to see just how deep the rabbit hole went.

"You get one shot at showing me why I should trust you Mr. Wallace because frankly right now, I want to get so far away from you as I possibly can! Somewhere that no one would ever guess to start looking for me." Ivy never broke her gaze, no matter how intimidating the man was she was determined to get her own back.

"Come with me" he instructed as he started leading her down a dimly lit hallway, Jensen's gaze following them with an indiscernible look in his eyes.

Ivy watched Aiden pull out a key card, swipe it and then push the door open. "After you Ms. Glenn." She stepped inside and gasped.

Cracked Butterflyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें