Chapter 1

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I really hate my father's men. Just imagine having them follow you around everywhere you go. Even at those nights where I just wanted to grab a late night snack, there they are, standing there. Ridiculous.

"Mr. Greaves, you daughter's here."

I see my father who's in the middle of doing something on his laptop. But as soon as I entered the room he quickly shut his laptop. "Lia, what brings you here?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you. Oh, and why did you close your laptop? Weren't you in the middle of working on something?" I raised an eyebrow. His mouth opened to say something but he decided not to. "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose while exhaling, "Come take a seat." I walked to the sofa near him and do what he said. "Thalia, listen to me carefully and don't interrupt me. You're no longer safe here, i want you to go with—" Suddenly, the sound of a gun shot filled the room, making me scream in fear. The bullet hit my father's right arm. I quickly run to him and put pressure on his arm so he won't loose more blood.

My father's men filled the room. I look at the window which was shattered because of the shot. Someone with his gun is aiming at us and hit one of my father's men right in the head. "Harry! Take her away, right now!"

With one quick move, someone pulled me up and dragged me away from my father. "Let go of me!" I tried to break free but my strength was no match to his. "Stay close to me," his right hand is on my waist and the other one's holding a gun.

He and the others started shooting the intruders. Until one point where he's out of bullets. "Damn it!" he cursed under his breath. He ended up beating the intruders up with his bare hands. Before I know it, he's pushing me into a car.

"Can you tell me what the hell is going on?" I said, breathing heavily once we're in the car. But not one word escaped his mouth, he just started the engine and drive away at full speed.

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