사 • four

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"yah!" he says, laughing as he runs after me for the camera. "no! oppa, don't." i whined as he grabs it from me, going to the picture. "i'm not deleting it! i just wanted to see." he says, ruffling my hair with a chuckle. i bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling. "yah. it came out pretty good." he says with a smile, squatting down so i could see. i peeked over his shoulder and saw that it really did look nice.

"can i take a picture of this?" he asks. i nod, allowing for him to do it. he takes his phone out and takes the picture, while it was on the camera. i guess it would give him some sort of aesthetic.

"should we start going back?" he asks, seeing as that the sky was darkening. i nod, taking my camera from him. he smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we began our trip back to the car.

soon, we found the black car and got in. i took my phone out after i buckled in to see that riley had sent me messages on end.

riley : by some miracle, he broke up with her.

my eyes widened. "what?" rowoon asks. "sun woo broke up with his girlfriend." i told him. "really? that's great." he says. i quickly called sun woo and put him on speaker, asking for rowoon to stay quiet. he nods, giving me a small smile.

"i heard." i said as he picked up. "yah. your little fit knocked some sense into me, as usual." he says with a light chuckle. "and i also know that you faked being sick. you know, riley. she sucks at acting." sun woo says, making me laugh. "well, if her pouring a smoothie on me made you realise how terrible she is, then i guess it was worth it." i said with a sigh.

"you better come to school on monday." he says. "i will, i still have to pass the rest of this semester." i said with a sigh. "just about half a year more and the three of us are out of that hell hole." he says. i nod, before remembering that he couldn't see me. rowoon smiles, shaking his head.

"ask her!" i hear riley pleading. "ugh, fine! jisu-ah. can riley and i visit your new place tomorrow?" sun woo asks. "my housemate and i are going grocery shopping." i told them, looking over to rowoon. "oh, can we visit during the evening?" riley asks.

rowoon asks for me to hand the phone over.

"i'm about to give my housemate the phone, don't hate me." i told them. "okay." they said harmoniously. "annyeonghaseyo, i'm rowoon. jisu's housemate." he says. i hear riley's screaming immediately. "jesus." sun woo says with a groan.

"wait. please tell me it's sf9 rowoon?" riley begs. "that's me. annyeonghaseyo." rowoon says with a chuckle. "oh my gosh! i've seen lipstick prince and you're an actual angel! i'm a big fan!" she squeals. i sent rowoon an apologetic glance.

"so tell me rowoon, do you like my best friend?" sun woo asks protectively. "we just met.. three days ago." rowoon says awkwardly with a chuckle. i massaged my temples as i slowly grew more and more embarrassed. "you better protect her with your life. i will not hesitate to kill you, hyung." sun woo says, adding some type of salutation. i laugh.

"oppa, can we come over tomorrow evening?" riley asks nervously. "sure. i'll call over the sf9 members and we can all have dinner together." he offers. "oh my gosh! i can see my baby taeyang!" riley squeals running off, dropping sun woo's phone in the process. "yah! i swear if there are any cracks, riles. i'm tearing up all your posters." sun woo yells. "crap, gotta go. love you jisu! bye rowoon oppa!" riley greets.

"bye." he says with a chuckle, hanging up.

"i'm so sorry." i said as he hands me my phone. "it's fine, that was funny." he says, letting out a chuckle. "more like embarrassing." i said with a groan. "well, at least i have something to look forward to tomorrow." he says with a sigh as he enters through the automatic gates. "wow. so you didn't look forward to getting groceries with me? thanks, oppa." i said sarcastically, giving him a thumbs up.

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