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As the time went by, The teams began working their heads off.

Alyna was still joking with Shawk while he tried to concentrate on the work. Myrrah was thinking to herself while doing the work. She wanted a book from a shelf in the corner of the lab. So she began walking towards it.

'Why do I have this feeling in my heart. Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach  and it seems as the world would stop. Plus he is so handsome, cute and br.... nah I should stop thinking like that. I mean like he wouldn't like me. He has so many fan girls already adoring him. Oh My Ivy Flower, Why do I keep on feeling like this?' Myrrah was thinking to herself as she was going up the ladder to grab a book from the top shelf. She didn't notice that the ladder was very wobbly. And Suddenly!!

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" Myrrah fell down while giving a high pitched scream!!!! She closed her eyes tight and thought that this would be the end. But suddenly she felt two strong arms wrap around her. Her Shining eyes opened to be met with another pair of glimmering dark blue eyes. It was Shawk!!! When he had heard that scream he saw  that it was his adoring Myrrah. Well he thought like that.

"Ummm, Myrrah are u ok?" He asked her while putting her down but still he was lightly blushing

"Yeah. Thank you very much Shawk. If hadn't been for you I would have been dead meat by now!" Myrrah said while giving her loveliest smile but still was blushing.

"Oh..." Abruptly Shawk was cut of by a Loud but still lovely voice.

"Hey Romeo!! Juliet!! Common you two!!! You can discuss about your future later!!! But now there is potion to be made!" Alyna shouted towards them but still was smirking like a Cheshire Cat with glint of excitement in her dark blue eyes.

"Alyna!!" Both of the lovebirds shouted together while having tomato coloured faces. They walked towards the potion pot but first Shawk took the book that Myrrah ahd wanted to take before.

As the royal time flew by, Only some of the teams were finshed. 

"Well well. Now time for the Results!" Dr. LeFrog announced.

He began walking around inspecting each and every pot. He first stopped at Rachel and Craig's Potion Pot. Rachel was the brainiest girl in the whole school. Just like her grandmother,She was a bookworm. So when he checked the pot, it was the best as it can ever been.

"Rachel and Craig. Marvellous Job!!. This is really good." Dr. LeFrog said smiling.

Rachel was having a proud face but beside her Craig was staring at her while smiling deamily.

Next he stopped at the three new student's...

"Hmmm... Well you three must be the new students!! Not Bad! This is really good!" The teacher said while having the same expression like the one he had with the team before. All three of them looked at each other and smiled really proud like.

"Stella and Brandon! Awesome Job! Really Fabulous!" Dr. LeFrog concluded beaming with happiness.

Stella and Brandon high-fived each other while having proud smiles.

The teacher began walking to the other groups while giving different comments.

(Skip Time to Group Results)

" Well now we have got results! The first team selected will be Craig and Rachel!"

"Hooray!!" The shouted in unison while high-fiving.

"The second team will be Alyna, Shawk and Myrrah!"

"Yay!!" The trio yelled while doing the same thing Rachel and Craig did.

" And last of all Stella and Brandon will be selected!!".

"Alright!!" The duo yelled while doing a fist bump. 

All of the other teams cheered while some groaned. 

"Now! Please proceed to the Magical Domain to use your spells!! Me and the other teachers will meet you outside!" Dr. LeFrog finished while leaving the lab.

"Common guys!! Lets get going!!" Shawk exclaimed while leaving the Lab with his friends trailing behind him.

(Time Skip To Pet Summoning)

"Welcome students. You all have expressed your talents! As a gift , each of you will be allowed to summon a pet!" H.Ariel announced.

All nine of them formed a straight line. At the Start it was Rachel, then it was Craig, Alyna, Shawk, Myrrah, Brandon and last of all Stella.

Rachel moved forward and pointed her wand towards the Potion. A bright light appeared and in in its place there stood a lovely Puppy which was light green with glimmering eyes.  She had Ivy Magic.

Next it was Craig! He stepped forward and pointed his wand. A handsome eagle appeared out of that spell. It was light blue with Silver Stripes. He had Water Magic.

Alyna pointed her wand and in its place there stood a fox with White fur and shining Eyes. She has Nature Magic. but it is said that she also had unknown snow magic

Shawk casted the spell and a bright looking Owl appeared. It was brown with white high lights. He had frosting magic.

Myrrah followed the same steps as her friends. A cute pink kitten was there curled up. She had Rose and Tower Magic.

Brandon did the same but Something huge was there. It was a Horse!!! It was Red with a Orange Mane and tail. It looked super cute. Brandon has Strong Fury Magic.

Stella was last. She casted her spell but something peculiar happened. Something the same size as Brandon's horse was there. It was another Horse! She was Yellow with a Pink Mane and tail. She looked cute just like Brandon's horse. She has Seashell and Pearl Magic. 

So they named their pets as following.

Rachel named her puppy Nature..

Craig named his Eagle Darker.

Alyna named her fox Snowy

Shawk named his Owl Blake.

Myrrah named her kitty Apple

Brandon named his horse Fire.

Stella named her one Pearl.

So what do u guys think?? See ya next chap😉😉😉

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