We rolled up to the next venue and it was the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas. It was amazing, I always wanted to go to Las Vegas but my parents never let me because it's full of gambling , drunk , famous wannabes. To top it off all the amazingness I was with Machine Gun Kelly. I had only known him for a few hours and it already felt like I could trust him. It was mad what nice people could do to you.

'You ready?' Machine Gun Kelly nudged me.

'Err yeah but what an I exactly going to be doing here on tour?'  I asked.

'Well unless you have some sort singing talent then you can sing on stage with me or you can be a merch girl?'

The truth was that I could sing and play the guitar but I wasn't ready to play in front of thousands of people. So I stuck with being a merch girl.

' Ima be your merch girl! I'm quite good at persuading people'. Answering his question.

'That's good then , lets go have some fun Athena ?' He said opening the door.

I opened the door and locked the car behind me.

He introduced me to everyone and they welcomed me as one of there own. Everyone was super chill and nice, they didn't give a shit and neither did I.

'So Kells tells me your gunna be his new merch girl' Rook piped up.

'Yes I am Rook! Not a career I wanted to go down but I don't give a fuck, I'm here with you guys!' I told him.

' Girl I like your attitude towards things. We should hang out?' He said excitedly.

'For sure Rook!' He ran off tackling Dub to the ground.

There was a tap on my shoulder, I turned round and it was Machine Gun Kelly. He looked so hot with his hair all floppy and the his style was different which made me even more attracted to him. 

' So I see that your getting on with everyone then?' He asked me.

'Yes I am, everyone is being really kind considering the circumstances'. I explained to him. 

' You seem like a really nice girl and I would like to get to know your more. Trust me I know we have only just met but things are going to change for you!' He leaned for hug and I hugged him back, I felt warm and safe in his arms, but I still wasn't expecting it. He let go of me.
' We we're gunna go to the club in a bit but first we're gunna head to the hotel, if that's okay with you?' He said with a little bit of excitement.
' Yeah, lets go!' I said really excitedly.

We got to the hotel and I grabbed all my bags out the trunk and slung them over my shoulder. I left my guitar and record player in the back , I felt bad for lying to Machine Gun Kelly about not being able to sing but I wasn't ready to tell the world about my secret singing talent. Not many people knew about it , in fact nobody did. I liked it that way , it would surprise people when I did decide to show people. Like he said I was full of surprises.

I got to the front desk of the hotel and asked for a single room. Machine Gun Kelly walked over to me with some swag.
' What are you doing?'. He asked me.

' I'm getting a room for myself! I can't stay in my car.' I explained to him, he look a bit confused.

' Girl you can stay in my room , I have a double room and no one else is gunna share it with me. So please?' He said.

' I'm not a charity case, I already feel like I owe you lot already, I don't wanna add this too the list. I can afford it!'. I explained to him again.

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