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"pick up your head princess, your crown is falling."

boy: "what happened?"

girl: "what do you mean?"

boy: "your arms. there are so many scars."

girl: "its nothing" *wipes away tear*

boy: "then don't cry. angels aren't supposed to cry." *takes her arms*

girl: "what are you doing?"

boy: "what some one should have done a long time ago." *kisses arms and scars then brushes away her tears*

"giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. sometimes it means you are strong enough to let go."

"I wish that I could fly. way up in the sky. oh I might just try. I wish that I could fly. way up in the sky. oh I might just try. oh I might just try."

*~from me~*

should  I try?

midnight writingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن