Gossip with the singer!

Start from the beginning

"Was expecting you to be waiting for me!" he said with a smile.
"I'm still waiting!" I said as I climbed on the bed.
"I mean in your lehenga!"
"Oh!" I sat next to him "It was heavy and I didn't feel like it's need now" putting my head on his shoulder and playing with left hand between mines "Am I right?" facing him with a raised brow.
He shook his head and smiled.
"You look deadly hot in Sherwani!" The grinned remembering this evening event when I saw him but here he was wearing a normal attire.
He again smiled!
"You know you could repeat what you said in the altar!" leaving his his hand as an angry look took it's turn in my face.
"What?" I know he is playing innocent.
"Nothing!" tying my hands over my chest and turning other side.

He came near my ear and whispered "You look like the goddess of Beauty!" repeating what he said few hours ago which brought a grin on my face and I let my self on the comfort of my hubby's chest, I wrapped his arms around me feeling his breath ticklishing me on my neck, make me giggle!
"Nothing!" I giggled again and said "I love this! Being in your arms, this feeling, this atmosphere, everything."
"You like the room?"
"I love it! But not as much as you!" I peeked his cheek making him grin!

I started to play with his legs with mine.
"I like this sound!"
"My anklets!"
He nodded!
"Me too!" and I smiled.

"Are we going to just talk?"
"What do you want to do?" he asked.
"Didn't we talk about Mini-Me or Mini-You?" turning to his side with hand around his neck.
"May be after you"
I didn't even let him finish as I did a thing I already wanted to do with my husband, initiate our first kiss!

I think he didn't expect this. He was shocked but gave in immediately.

"Let's start!" I moaned in our kiss and he took the lead from there.

At the end of our kiss I was laying on him and he on the bed.
One by one things started to disappear from our little world and only we two existed for few exhausting hours!
At first it was pain with pleasure as my barrier was broken but then you know, it's only pleasure!

He was gentle and carrying as he was also exploring for the first time. It was a blissful start for for blissful life with my cute hubby who is a stern officer for the outer world.

Since then he has became naughty and want me to stay in bed after our workout session.
He says he want to save water but all he wants is... under the water! But I escape from him as I woke up earlier.

Now! Me being pregnant is something which makes me feel like a queen with all the special treatments I get from him!
We are just waiting for the D-Day to arrive!

Girl! I went back into flashback recalling our moments!
Thank you!
See you!



Thanks for being here!
Your question is one hell of topic for me to gossip!

>> When you first met Suraj was he similar to what you imagined him to be?

The first thing I remembered when I saw the photos my parents showed me is seeing him in the front page of a newspaper with an award for an accomplished as an encounter specialist two weeks before.

I respect all the jobs, I respect army people and policie people a lot more.
So when my parents brought the proposal Info to me, I was like 'Let's see the Man!' so I didn't imagine anything. I just wanted someone who respects others feelings and gives in return what he expects!

After seeing the photos, I searched the newspaper and to read again his interview. 
There I find out that he is someone who trust his inner voice at the same level as his mind and for him, there is no gender difference as he doesn't give special treatment to women as he considers them to be equal to men or even better. I liked him even before coming face to face with him.
I was just hoping that he doesn't show different faces to media and to others.
So when I saw him, he was genuine to whatever he said and the liking for him just multiplied 10 folds.

That's what happened dear!
Thanks once again for being here.
See yaa!



How are you?
Hope you are having time chatting with me!

Coming to your question!

>> How you reacted when you come to know about Suraj?

I partially answered to your question in the previous posts but will add few Info here.
I knew my parents were searching for my alliance since 6 months before they get in contact with Suraj's parents.
When they asked if I like someone or if I have any criterias, I just said that 
"You know me more than anyone else in this world. You know my interest, my likes, my dislikes... everything. So I know you will only choose the best for your daughter. So I have nothing to say." and they were so happy with my reply.

As I said, my parents found me the best partner I could ever ask for. I'm happy for sharing my life with Suraj.
And I hope that our little Princess to get her Prince when time comes!

It was nice to chat with you!
Take care!



Thanks for making me remember again the life changing moment!

>> How you find Suraj after the first meeting?

A part of the answer for this question is in the previous posts!
But the feeling I got seeing is something I didn't say until now!

The first time I saw him face to face was like being in a fairy tale.
I heard violins playing around me.
I know it sounds filmy but it's me.
When we first saw each other directly locking our eyes, even if it was not longer than 2 seconds, I felt something something in my tummy.
He looked more than perfect with police cut, straight face, eyes not betraying his words, manly gestures...

Please don't tell this to him else he will have two more horns.
To sum up: He was smoking hot in black and now he is sexy gorgeous.
Hey! As I said don't tell him this! Okay!

Ok dear! 
Take care!
It's time for him to come back, so have to go!
See you!


Thanks for being here dears!
I had lot of fun gossiping with you all about my life and making me remember all the special moments.
And I hope you enjoyed as much as me.
Ok guys!
Have to go!
He will be here any minute now and he like to be welcomed by me whenever I'm at home!
So have to freshen up!
See you guys later!
Take care!


Ok people!
How was the chat?
Hope you liked it!
Was it boring? Let me know!
Next week there will be no chat session with characters as I want a small break but if you wish we can do a small chat between you and me to know each other!
What say?
Waiting to know your replies!
See you Buddies!



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