Chapter Two

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Hey Charli here thank you for reading it means a lot to us. (Also sorry if Cole's thoughts are a bit girly seen as he's POV is by me, but I shall try my best)

Happy Reading:)


Cole's POV

"Cole," Tiffany flirted pressing herself up to me.

"Tiffany, go away," I said picking up my papers and camera.

"But Cole," She pouted.

"No, Tiffany you either leave now or I'll get a restraining order against you," I stated walked off towards my best friend Ryan.

"Why do you always turn her down, Cole, she's hot," He smiled towards her.

"Because un-like you I'm not desperate and I swear she's more plastic than girl now," I chuckled. Tiffany was out boss's assistant, she was twenty three and must have had plastic surgery about thirty times.

"She's still hot," He smirked as we left the building.

"Is this why your film on your camera only lasted you a week whereas everyone else's lasted two months?" I chuckled. We were journalists and we were given a camera with film every know and then but he used all of his up already and I guessed it was all on Tiffany. We never actually had to come to the office block seen as we could email our peices in but we still went in to the hell.

"No, there are other girls on there," He smiled innocently.

"Your filth Ryan, why am I friends with you again?" I questioned.

"Because you love me, and I was there for you when the incedent happened," He said softly.

"Okay good enough reason," I chuckled.

"You need to get a girl, knowing you to get a girlfriend you'll have to kidnap them or bribe them into marriage," He said playfully punching my arm.

"No, I won't, what more could a girl want I'm hot an awesome kisser, sweet, romantic and I have a job," I smiled wiggiling my eyebrows.

"Whatever, Cole," He sighed.

"Ryan, your supposed to support me," I smiled.

"Do you want to come with me to the bar, to try and get girls" He grinned.

"I'll come but don't try to set me up," I sighed as we walked down to the local bar. We went in and up to the bar.

"I'll have a pint of beer," Ryan said.

"And for you?" The female bar maid flirted looking towards me.

"Just a coke please," I smiled.

"You sure Cole?" Ryan asked.

"I'm sure, and if I didn't who knows what you'd do?" I chuckled.

"True True," He chuckled as he spotted a blond girl and he went off after her.

I sighed and sat on one of the bar stools. This is what I usually did after work came down to the bar with Ryan and was either his wing man or I just sat there bored.

I waited about twenty minutes whilst I sipped my drink waiting for Ryan to come back but he never did. It wasn't unusual for him to prance of with a random girl from the bars we went too. I pulled out my phone a quickly left him a text saying I had gone home.

I walked out of the bar and walked towards my apartment that was about a block away from the bar we went to a lot. I walked up the stairs up to my second floor apartment and through my bag onto the floor and went and had a cool shower to wash away the stress of my best friend and my work.

Once I was done in the shower I got out and wrapped a towel around my lower half before walking into my room. After I dried off I changed into some jogging bottoms and a hoodie before putting on some trainers. I looked into my mirror to see my black hair messed up on top of my head.

I sighed and grabbed my keys placing them in my pocket before heading out to jog. I took the regular circuit I did every night seen as I spent too long working for my age and I needed to keep myself in a good condition. I went round the back of some house and sown a dirt path. On one side there was garages and the other was back gardens.

It was just getting dark, and it was all quite quiet. I heard whimpering from the side where the gardens were. I walked up to the one where the noise was coming from. There was a hole in the fence so I peered through it. A girl maybe just younger than me looked very weak and was trying to make her way towards the gate but a man who I presumed was her dad caught her by her long hair.

He wrapped his arms around her weak arms that looked like they were going to snap any second. He threw her to the ground. She cried out in pain and it made me wince at it. He then began to hit her and she just laid there.

"STOP IT PLEASE!" The girl cried out.

It hurt to see her like that so I knew what I had to do.

Plan A.

Part 1. Go home and get stuff.

Part 2. break into the house when the man leaves

Part 3. Help this girl the best I could.









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