Brendon chuckled, "I know, I'm sorry."

Tyler whined, "just help me hide this from josh."

"Hide what from me?"

Tyler gasped at the sound of Josh's voice. He opened his locker and quickly shoved his head inside of it. Josh came up and placed his hands on Tyler's waste, "Tyler, what are you hiding?"

Tyler shook his head from inside the locker, "n-nothing."

Josh gripped tightened on Tyler's waste as he pulled Tyler away from the lockers. Tyler held tightly onto the metal, but lost his grip. He tried to run form josh, but he was spun around.

Josh frowned as he examined Tyler's black eye, "Tyler, please tell me this wasn't Nate." "Fine, It wasn't Nate."

Pete scoffed, "whatever dude, it was obviously Nate."

Tyler glared at Pete and josh scowled, "Tyler, you have to tell the police."

Tyler gripped Josh's arm, "I can't. Please, josh...I just can't. I can't disappoint my mom anymore."

Josh pleaded, "but is it really worth making your mom proud if it only caused you pain? Tyler, your not being reasonable."

Tyler glared as he recoiled away from josh, "shut up, you don't know what it's like to be in my steps. You could fail high school and your mother will still love you. so don't tell me if it's worth it or not. I will do anything just for my mom to be proud of me."

Everyone started at Tyler with shock and sympathy. Tyler wiped his eyes and grabbed Ryan's arm, "c'mon, Ryan. We need to get to class."

Ryan didn't say anything, only following Tyler to their class. They sat down and Ryan frowned, "Tyler, do you just wanna skip?" Tyler thought about it before nodding. They quickly snuck out of the classroom before the teacher could enter.

The ride to Ryan's house was quiet. The only sound was the passing cars and the radio playing quiet music. Once they reached the house, they walked donor the living room and sat in the couch.

"My mom won't be home till five, so she won't know we skipped." When Tyler didn't answer, Ryan scooted closer, "Ty?"

Tyler snapped his head over, "w-what?"

Ryan quickly answer, "I-I mean Tyler. I mean Tyler... Are you ok?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, I'm fine."

Ryan rubbed Tyler's back soothingly, "do you want to talk about it?"

Tyler shook his head, "I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of everything. I just wish it would all stop."

Ryan looked at Tyler shocked, "Tyler, what do you mean?"

"Nothing," Tyler whispered to his lap.

Ryan grabbed Tyler hand and squeezed it, "we love you, Tyler, you know that...right? You know that we would do anything to make you happy?"

Tyler burst into tears, looking at Ryan with a vulnerable look, "then why am I so damn sad?"

Ryan pulled Tyler into a hug, "I know it must be tough, Tyler. But...but maybe you should think about what josh said. Maybe you should talk to the police station."

Tyler pulled away, shaking his head, "no."

Ryan placed his hand on Tyler's knee, "it was only a suggestion, Tyler. You do what you think is right, but you need to let people help lead you into choosing the right decisions. I want to help you, Tyler. Your my best friend."

Tyler gulped, "I...I just can't. They'll take me and Madison away and to a foster home once they find out my mom is into drugs. We might even be separated. I can't loose my sister. I made her a promise to keep her safe and I will not break that promise." Tyler hugged Ryan, "I just can't, ok?"

Ryan nodded, "ok, Tyler...ok."

Ugh, I fell asleep at four in the morning and woke up at one in the after noon. Lol, my sleep schedule is so ducked up. Ok, so the other day my mom and I were playing around and shit. We were looking for a parking spot and I said, "just park in the handicap."

Then she was like, "no we can get a ticket."

Then I said, "really? Well damn, I was just gonna be a lazy hoe and park in the handicap all my life."

Obviously I was just kidding and I didn't find it that funny but my mom burst out into laughter and she was randomly laughing the whole day at my joke and I was all like, "Mom it's not that funny. chill."

And she was all, "iTs NoT tHaT fUnNy, ChIlL"

Anyway, I'm so happy my other fic, Blurryface, reached 10k. I know it really may not seem a lot considering other people have 1M reads and crap...but to me it's a lot. So if you read that book, thank you soooo much!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice day/night!!!


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