Chapter 5-Brittany

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It was my mom who called to see if I was still picking Baileigh up at four. I told her I would after cheerleading practice.

"Okay ladies!" Clapped Miss Welsh, our coach.

"We're going to start out with the cheer coordinating with our school song." She clapped her hands and we got in formation, with me in the front. Kate was to my right, and another cheerleader, Kiki, was to my left. There were seven other cheerleaders behind us, all making a big triangle.

We blew through the routine with force, making it our best practice ever. After we were done, Kate and I walked back to my car.

"Do you have to pick up Baileigh?" She asked getting into the front seat.

"Yep." I pulled out of the parking lot, driving to the middle school. I saw Bailegh waiting for me on the front steps, her long blonde hair flitting around her face in the wind.

"'Bout time." She mumbled crawling into the backseat. I looked at her in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were hollow, which made me even more aware that she was struggling with something. I didn't ask her because Brittany was in the car, but when I dropped Kate off, I brought it up.

"So, how about we go get ice cream." I said, looking back at her.

"I hate ice cream." She said, and I knew she was lying.

"Ok, what about some McDonalds?" I turned onto the Main street.

She was silent for a moment. "Nah. We had a big lunch today. You know, beginning-of-middle school thing."

I knew she was lying; that she had a disorder. It made my stomach churn thinking about her hurting herself. I knew she wouldn't listen to me, and I couldn't tell my mom or dad, because they were too busy keeping their perfect image. An anorexic daughter would shatter that.

I pulled in the driveway and turned the car off.

"Listen, Baileigh-" I started to say, but she opened the car door and got out quickly. I watched her disappear inside the house, probably to go upstairs and do homework. Or weigh herself.

I got out and went inside, dropping my bag on the table beside the door.

"Brittany? Is that you?" I heard my mom's click-clacking of heels on the hardwood floor, and then I saw her.


"Good. I need you to do something for me." She grabbed her purse and rifled through it. She pulled out a slip of paper.

"I need you to run this to Consuela." Consuela was their maid.

"Sure. Where does she live?" I took the piece of paper and looked at it. It was her check.

"Uh, mom?" I looked up at her.


"This is Southside." I pointed out to her.

"Oh, yes honey, I know. You'll have to be extra careful. I'd have her come pick it up, but she's sick."

" back later." I turned and grabbed my purse, folding the check and slipping it into my pocket.

I drove carefully into Southside, looking around. This was a gang area, filled with violence. The houses were small and close to each other. I found Consuala's house and parked, shoving my purse under my seat and locking all the doors. Couldn't take any chances.

I walked up to her house quickly so no one would see me. I heard voices float down the street, and I didn't want to know if it was a gang or just someone having a barbeque.

I knocked on Consuela's door twice, shifting from one foot to the other. I was scared straight. I heard the lock click and Consuela opened the door, wearing a ratty robe.

"Hola, Miss Brittany." She stepped aside to let me in, but I shook my head.

"I just came by to give you your check." I took the check from my pocket and handed it to her.

"You don't want to come in?" She asked again.

"I really should be getting home, but I hope you feel better fast. We miss you." I smiled warmly at her, and she gave me a hug.

"Adiós, senorita." She closed the door and I heard her shuffle away. I starting walking back to my car when I saw a group of guys walking down the street. I averted my eyes and walked faster, but they stopped me. 

"Look what we have here boys." One said to the others. He was wearing a black and red bandana. "Niña blanca."

"What are you doin' here, honey?" Another asked.

"Uh...nothing." I said, trying to step to the side. I was really freaked out now.

"Didn't look like nothin', chica."

"If you'll just excuse me." I tried to walk away again, but one put his hand on my shoulder. I immediately shrugged it off.

"Feisty mamacita." The one in the bandana stepped closer to me. They were in a circle around me now. "You don't like me touchin' you? You got a nice body. Mind if I touch?" His hands tried to lift the bottom of my shirt. 

"Stop!" I yelled, pushing his hands away again.

"Come on, honey. We'll all get a turn." He said, trying to pull my shirt up again. Another one starting stroking my hair.

I was starting to feel sick. My head started to spin, making me dizzy. I felt my shirt sliding up, and I lost it. I curled my hand into a fist and swung it at the one wearing the bandana. It made contact with his face, making his lip bleed.

"Shit!" He stumbled, then regained his balance. "You bitch!" He grabbed my hair and jerked me towards him.

"You're gonna pay for that." He threatned.

I closed my eyes tight and screamed.

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