Chapter 6 - Throwing Punches

Start from the beginning

 I made it into English just before the tardy bell rang, smiling at Stiles as I sat down. The anxiety of what was going down tonight was going to make it difficult to make it through school. Hopefully my classes can provide a good distraction. I need to get my mind off of all of this.

 Stiles walked with me to my locker after class. He leaned up against the wall as I put away and pulled out my necessary books. His gaze caused my cheeks to burn red. "You know," I said, a small giggle escaping. "I'm still not over the whole condom incident in Finstock's class,"

 He gave an uncomfortable laugh, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah," he drawled. "About that,"

 "You really had to bring it to school?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

 "Well, I, uh...I," he stumbled, trying to come up with an explanation. He shifted on the balls of his feel, dragging his nails along his arms. "I'm sorry,"

 "It's okay," I said. I placed a soft hand on his shoulder, feeling him relax slightly under my touch. "Although, it really should have been used,"

 It took him a moment to pick up on what I was saying. He gave a half smile - what I think was an attempt at being sexy - and straightened himself up. The elbow he was leaning against the lockers slipped, and I helped him catch himself before he could hit the ground. He looked around quickly to see if anyone else had noticed as I laughed at his clumsiness.

 He smiled again and brushed off the jacket he was wearing, trying to play it off like it didn't just happen. I snickered into the palm of my hand, the incident becoming funnier the more times I played it back in my mind. Stiles gave me a look, squinting his eyes and raising one eyebrow.

 "You think that was funny?" He asked. 

 I shook my head, still cracking up. I swallowed my laughter and tightened my lips to hold back my smile. "No, no definitely not,"

 "Really?" Stiles questioned, taking a step in front of me. 

 "Mmhm," I mumbled. 

 He let out a playful scoff. He shut my locker door, slinging an arm around my shoulders. Pressing a chaste kiss to the side of my head as we began walking to class he said, "You're a terrible liar."

 I walked out to my car after school. I was hoping to swing home quick and grab something to eat before we headed over to Derek's loft to go forth with our planning. My fingers pressed down on the unlock button, causing my doors to click open.

 Just as I was about to reach out to the handle of my driver's side, someone stepped in front of me. I sighed and clicked my tongue. I swear, this chick is stalking me or something. Sure, she has knowledge that I'd like to be in on, but I don't trust her enough to give her the details about what I am.

 "Thought about our little plan of exchange yet?" She said, crossing her arms. I was surprised she could even blink with how big her false eyelashes were.

 "No," I said. "I actually have bigger things to occupy my time with,"

 "Like the alpha pack?" She asked, cocking a brow. A sickly sweet smile then made its way onto her lips. "Or trying to find your friend...what's her name, Heather?"

 I tightened my mouth into a scowl. My reaction seemed to have pleased her as she gave a cocky laugh. I balled my hands into fists, fighting the urge to use the boxing skills Dad has taught me and knock the bitch straight on her ass.

 "You know, it's a full moon tonight," she said. "You better watch yourself,"

 "Please," I said, challenging her with a raise of my eyebrows. I leaned in slightly. "This isn't my first rodeo. We can handle ourselves,"

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