On a hunt

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Cas' POV

Dean and I were standing in front of the building, where Crowley should be. We weren't absolutely sure, that he's there, but we had to go and look. Slowly we went into the building. It was quiet, too quiet. We splitted up and took different ways. I was searching and ready to get attacked at any time. I was searching in every corner, but found nothing. Where was Dean ? It was an bad idea to sign his rips, so no angel could find him. I have to find him, because I can't life without him and when something happens to him, I wouldn't forgive myself. I ran faster, but I couldn't find him. Finally I found something, well, I heard fight noises. I approached the direction the noises came from. I was sure, that Dean was in trouble. On my way to him I met some demons and now I was definitely sure, that Crowley was here in this building. I eliminated them with lightness. Fast I ran to Dean, who was pushed against the wall by Crowley. When the king of hell noticed me, he let off of Dean. Crowley came closer to me and I was ready to attack him. Dean wanted to hit Crowley from behind, but Crowley was faster und better than Dean. He skidded Dean against a wall and put him out of action. I saw a good chance for me and wanted to attack him, but Crowley was also ready for this and pulled me away from him. He took out his angel blade and smiled maliciously. I took out my own angel blade and then Crowley and I started fighting. Everything happened so fast ... Crowley stabbed me into my chest with the angel blade and I staggered behind. It hurt. I was holding my chest and my hand became red, because of the blood. Somehow I made it, I threw Crowley out of the window, but I had to jump with him. I was very weakened and Crowley was still there. We were still fighting and came closer to the edge, which seperated the road and the river and I was on the side of the river.

Dean's POV

When I came to myself again, no one was in the room. I looked out of the window and saw Crowley and Cas fighting. I ran out of the building and when I arrived the street, I saw, how Crowley rammed his angel blade into the stomach of Cas and Cas felt into the river.

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" Noooooo ! ", I screamed, but Crowley disappeared with a dirty smile.

Das war jetzt das erste Kapitel, ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen. Es ist verdammt schwer eine FF in Englisch zu schreiben, jedenfalls für mich, also wenn ihr Anmerkungen, Schreibfehler oder sonstige Anregungen habt, schreibt einfach in die Kommentare. Ich hoffe es macht euch nichts aus, dass ich in manchen Kapiteln mehrere Bilder haben werde und dazwischen Text einbaue, denn ich habe einfach so gute Destiel Bilder gefunden und ich kann mich einfach nicht enscheiden welche ich nehmen soll. Außerdem hasse ich es, wenn die Kapitel mega kurz sind, also packe ich wie gesagt mehrere Bilder in ein Kapitel. Ich hoffe euch wird diese FF gefallen.

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