Letter #1

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Dear Calum,

I understand you signed up for a pen pal program, and unfortunately, you got me.

You see, I've never done anything wrong. I always show up for class, I always listen to people even if they're totally boring or someone I don't know, I'll listen, but people just don't see that. At least certain people don't. The only friends I can even get seem to be the staff at my high school, or Michael. But we're not really 'friends'.

My golden curls and award winning smile are absolutely to die for.

I hope you can hear my sarcastic tone, even in this letter.

I'm too curious for my own good. Always questioning certain things - things that already have been confirmed. I like learning new things and delving into things I already know a little about.

Is your name pronounced Calum? Or is it like the food, kale? Like Kaleum? You'll have to tell me that.

I hope you don't find me too strange.

I'm from Perth, if you didn't know. I understand you're from New Zealand?

I hope you write back.



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