Daya Fanfic Chapter 13-20

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Demi POV Chapter 13

Our lips moved smoothly against each other. I felt her tongue graze my lower lip. Asking for permission to deepen the kiss. without second thought, I allowed Naya to explore my mouth. Naya had her arms wrapped around my waist, while my hands got lost in her hair. the heated make out session lasted a good minute before we separated for air. "Wow." was all i could say. I definitely. Wasn't expecting that. "Please tell me that was a good 'wow'..." Naya said nervously. "It was definitely a good wow. I don't think that was in the script though, Miss Rivera." I smiled. "I know, and i'm sorry. I don't know what it is about you, Demi, but i'm just drawn to you. You're so beautiful and talented and perfect and smart and funny and..." "Naya! quit rambling," I laughed. "I felt the same way, I just didn't want to come off like some weirdo. I'm glad you made the first move." I gave her a reassuring smile. I could see her blushing, which was so cute. "We uh, better get to hair and makeup."

Naya POV Chapter 14

I cant believe everything that just happened in my trailer, but i'm glad it did happen. Demi and i were both in hair and makeup. I could see her out of the corner of my eye stealing glances. she's so cute. "You know if you take a picture it will last longer." I said winking at Demi. "True, but why take a picture when i can have the real thing?" "Touche, Lovato." The girls doing our hair and makeup gave us weird looks, but i didn't care. I was having fun. When we were done in hair and makeup, We both went to wardrobe. Twenty minutes later, we were both dressed in the red diner uniforms. Demi and i stood around talking to Lea until Ryan said he was ready for us. Lea and i filmed a quick scene we had, then it was Demi's turn to start filming the scene where her and i talk for the first time at the diner. I could tell she was nervous, so i decided i should give her a quick pep talk. "Demi, you're gonna be fine. You're a rock star." I looked around to make sure no one was looking, and placed a quick peck on her cheek. I saw her cheeks burning red and it was adorable. "Thanks, Naya." "No problem. Now let's get out there and make this scene your bitch."

Demi POV Chapter 15

When Naya kissed me on the cheek earlier, I felt weak at the knees. It was such a sweet gesture and gave me the confidence boost I needed. We knocked out the scene in the diner quickly with only a few takes. When it came time for the kissing scene I was so nervous. It wasn't helping that Naya kept smiling and winking at me between takes, causing those damn butterflies again. "Are you ready for your big kissing scene?" Naya asked. "I think the better question is are you ready? It's only a peck. You got a little carried away in the trailer earlier." I shot back. "Don't act like you didn't like it." Naya said. "Oh, trust me I liked it. I just don't want my sheer beauty to interfere with your work." Naya rolled her eyes and was about to say something, then Ryan called us over. He went over exactly what he wanted to happen, the we took our places. "Quiet on set! Action!" Ryan yelled. We went through our lines, and now it was time for the kiss. "So, I guess this is goodbye?" "For now." I leaned in and pecked Naya on the lips, and walked up the stairs to my fake apartment. "Cut! That was perfect ladies. You two are done for the day." Ryan said. "Good job, newbie." Naya said as she walked over giving me a high five. "Thanks. We should celebrate my first day on set." "What do you have in mind, Lovato?" Naya asked "Take out and a movie? My place? 7?" "I think I can swing by." Naya smiled. We walked back to our trailers and went our separate ways. I rushed home to get everything cleaned up for my little date tonight...

Naya POV Chapter 16

On my way home from leaving set, Demi text me and told me to wear comfy clothes since we were having movie night. I paced around the house until about 6, then I started getting ready. I put on some make up and threw my hair in a top bun. I must say even in my T-shirt and sweats, I was looking hot. Right before I left, Demi text me her address, and I told her I would be there soon. I made a pit stop at a flower shop and picked up a couple of tiger lilies to say congratulations on her first day. I found myself at Demi's house right at 7. I timidly knocked on the door. I'm not sure why, but I was nervous. She opened the door, and smiled when she saw the flowers. "These are for you. You did amazing on your first day. I'm proud of you." I said as I handed her the flowers. She leaned forward and left a lingering kiss on my lips. "Thanks, Naya. I appreciate it." "Anytime" I smiled back at her. Tonight's going to be awesome.

Demi POV Chapter 17

I ordered some Chinese for Naya and I. After we ate, we made our way into the living room, to watch a movie. "I love your house. It's so homey and comfy." Naya said looking around. "Feel free to come over whenever you'd like." I said smiling at her. "What movie do you want to watch?" "How about a scary movie?" Naya suggested. "Fine, but I might get a little scared." I said honestly. I didn't care for scary movies, but Naya made me feel safe for some reason. "Don't worry. I'll hold your hand if you get too scared." Naya laughed. "How does Paranormal Activity sound?" I asked. "Ohh! I love those movies! That works!" Naya said excitedly. I popped in the DVD and made my way over to the couch Naya was sitting on. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, and offered half to Naya, which she accepted. I sat fairly close to her, considering we were sharing a blanket, but I didn't want to sit too close and have her think I was weird. Then, right as the movie started, Naya scooted closer to me, and rested her head comfortably on my shoulder. Damn, she's cute.

Naya POV Chapter 18

When I rested my head on Demi's shoulder, it felt like home. Like she's been the missing piece to my puzzle this whole time. I contently sigh, and snuggle close to her. About halfway into the movie, I could feel Demi tensing beside me. I thought it was adorable "Are you scared, Dem?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "Maybe a little." She laughs. Then, from the TV we hear a loud noise and a scream. The next thing I know, Demi has her arms wrapped around my waist, and her face nuzzled into my neck. "Only a little scared?" I ask. "Maybe more than a little..." Demi replied squeezing me tighter. I kiss the top of her head, and try to focus on the movie. It's hard when someone as beautiful as Demi has their arms wrapped around you.

Demi POV Chapter 19

I practically hide my face in Naya's neck for the rest of the movie. Once the movie wraps up, Naya looks to see what time it is, and it's almost midnight. "I better head home if I want to make it to work tomorrow." She said as she stood up. "I'm glad you came over. I had a lot of fun. Thanks for the flowers too. I love them." We stare at each other in silence, both of us waiting for the other to make the next move. My gaze drops from her eyes, down to her full soft lips. At that moment, I knew I wanted to make the next move. I softly cupped her cheek and pulled her close to me. I pressed my lips softly against hers, and I felt her snake her arms around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to her body. I ran my tongue along her lower lip, signaling I wanted to deepen the kiss. I moaned softly when she opened her mouth allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. We passionately kissed until we had to separate for air. I pulled her into a hug and nuzzled my face into her neck, where I began peppering her with kisses, causing her to let out a soft moan. "Oh-Okay Dem, I have to go." She said stumbling over her words. I thought that was cute. I peppered a few more kisses to her neck before stepping back. "Come on, I'll walk you out." I said leading Naya to the door. When we got out to her car, she pulled me into another hug. We said our goodbyes, and I opened the car door for her. Once she got situated I leaned in and gave her a lingering peck. "Be careful, I'll see you tomorrow." I said smiling. "Can't wait" Naya said before giving me one more kiss goodbye. I shut her door and watched as she back out of my driveway.

Naya POV Chapter 20

I left Demi's house, and my head was spinning after that kiss. In a good way though. I'm not sure if Demi wants to be friends, or more. After tonight, I really hope she wants more. I can see myself happy with Demi, and I hope she feels the same. When I got home I had a text from Lea asking if I wanted to meet her for breakfast tomorrow. I told her I would. I haven't hung out with her in a while. I've been spending most of my free time with Demi the last couple of days. The next morning I get up a little bit earlier to meet with Lea. I meet her at a little café and hour before we need to be on set. "What have you been up to the last couple of days? I haven't seen or heard from you besides being at work.." Lea asked. "I've been hanging out with Demi actually. Just trying to get to know her, ya know?" That was only half the truth but, I don't want to tell Lea anything when I don't even know what this thing is between Demi and I. "That's cool. We'll all 3 have to hang out soon." Lea suggested. I nodded agreeing with her. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands or eyes off Demi though.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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