Jack Gilinsky

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@jackgilinsky: I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm fucking depressed. I haven't eaten all week, I've just been drinking and working out. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm sad every hour of the day, I cry myself to sleep every night. I know I caused everything but it just hit me that I won't ever see her smile again. She's probably moved on and found someone who will treat her like the queen she deserves to be treated like. I just fucking hoped it would've been me. She was my light in the darkest times. When I couldn't go to anyone she was there, she held me and told me that everything would be alright. I believed her. I thought I would marry her, I thought we'd buy a big house and have dozens of kids. Little Jack's and little Paris's running around the house. But that's not the case because she left me, she left me because I did something horrible to her. I wish Jack would've let me take Paris out that night. None of this would've happened. None of this pain would be felt. I know I broke her but I broke myself. My selfish actions caused us both to break into tiny pieces that only each other can pick up. I love her so damn much that I would die to stop her from hurting. I would kill my self just so she could live a life of peace. I just want her in my arms, holding her tightly afraid she would leave me. But she did and I won't ever get her back.

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