Hannas short POV

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When I got the message from -A,I did as -A told me to do. I didn't want Caleb to know what happened last summer when he was away visiting his mother (a few weeks ago)
But I didn't want to loose the ring,it probably cost Caleb a fortune but if he knew what happened I would loose Caleb for ever and I wasn't willing to loose him.

(20 minutes later,an hour before Caleb comes home)

As I was taking the ring off to hide it somewhere, someone was knocking on the door. I rush quickly and put the ring under the rug then under a floor board keeping the ring in the box too,
It was Emily knocking on the door.
"Hey Emily,what's up?" I ask
"Hey Han" Emily says as I direct her into the house
"I was just coming round for a chat I'm really bored" emily said smiling and sitting down on the sofa
"I'll make us some coffee" I say walking into the open kitchen
When I lift the two cup of coffees into the living room and sit it on the coffee table Emily looks at the cup strangely
"Hanna is that not the finger your ring is supposed to be on?" Emily asks kinda smiling
"Yeah.." I say slowly
"Then where's your ring?" Emily asks
I sit down on the sofa and don't say anything
"Hanna answer me" Emily says leaning forward
"-A told me to hide the wedding ring or -A will till Caleb what happened at summer... remember ... when the guys were away" I said very quickly
"Oh... Hanna you can't just do what -A tells you to" Emily says
"But I don't want Caleb to know what happened it will break his heart" I say standing up going to find the ring
"Hanna if you hide the ring Caleb will be heart broken anyway" Emily says
As Emily says this I sit on the sofa looking at the ring feeling as though I'm going to cry
"Hanna-" Emily says as the front door opens... it was Caleb
I wipe the tear that were about to roll down my eyes, but I had to make a quick decision on what I wanted to do about the ring,

I decided to put the ring on and act normal and see if -A tells Caleb.


Hey everyone it's Sophie, mostly my chapters are about haleb but if u would like to hear more from:
Spoby,Ezria or emison
Let me know in the comments! Also this was just a short POV to show what happens before the next chapter!

Follow: @sophie_doddX and my other account with Courtbae_13 called fanficduo04

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