Chapter 2

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Rose P.O.V

I was awoken by the sound of someone knocking at my door I Got up with a lot of questions in my head like What time is it!? or Where are my parents?  and when did I fall asleep!? I Got cut out of my thoughts when I remembered someone is at my door knocking I ran downstairs.

I opened my door and saw a guy like 32 years old with blonde hair standing right their but something about the way he looked at me with those sad blue eyes telling me he's going to tell me some bad news. then the guy said "are you rose?", "Yes" I said " I'm sorry your parents died in a car accident yesterday there was drunk driver that crashed into your parent car and the car came spinning over and over, I'm sorry for your lost rose" I felt like  I was  being stabbed with a knife a thousand times I was crying and crying I was to sad so I just slammed the door in the guy face and ran back up stairs and slammed my door and jumped on my bed crying and crying I stayed like that for hours my eyes were red until finally I fell asleep.

*** Morning* ***

I woke up in the morning not feeling hungry at all I Got up because someone was knocking at my door again I went downstairs and opened my door and saw a women that looked a lot like my mother and a guy with black curly hair they both seem around 37 or 39 years old the women that looked a lot like my mother came up to me and hug me and said " I'm sorry we did not get here earlier it must have been really hard for you my sister was a very kind person" I was still trying to process why this women hugged me when I remembered she said 'sister'??? , "Wait did you just say sister??" I said "yes rose I'm your aunt my name is Claire and this is my husband Clark" she said pointing to the guy " Now once your parents funeral is over your moving with us to Rainer Valley͵ Now go take a shower your parents funeral is going to be in a 2 hours and pack your stuff because after the funeral Is over we are leaving " Claire said as she pushed me up the stairs I nodded not very sure if I could trust my voice so I went in my room

I shut my door and went in the shower once I was done I got out of the shower and put on some black clothes and grabbed my hair up in a pony tail not really caring if I looked good and got out of the bathroom and started to pack my things once I was sure I brought everything including a picture of my mom and dad ,and ran back Downstairs "would you like my help with your stuff" Clark said "S-sure" I said he nodded and I passed him my stuff. he put my stuff in the back of the car I Got in and closed the door.

*** 1 hour later* **

The funeral was over I was crying a couple of times and now I was on my way toward Rainer Valley a 7 hour drive away it was a quiet and awkward 7 hour ride I noticed that the closer we get the more tree their are so there's a forest here great I thought I'm gonna go there later and explore.

We finally got to Rainer Valley we were parking in front of a big house . " what time is It?" I asked " 7:45" Claire responded " ok" I said as I Got out the door Clark was already carrying my stuff inside before I could even ask if he needed some help. I entered the house feeling uncomfortable when Claire said, " your room is over here follow me"

I followed Claire admiring the house it was beautiful I didn't notice Claire stop when I ran into her " sorry" I muttered feeling my cheeks turn bright pink and then she said "Here it is"  she said pointing to the room that looked really beautiful it was all rose favorite color pink with really cute rugs and furniture I turned around to say thank you when I noticed Claire was blushing and she said " Sorry I did not know what you liked so I just put some girly things in here I thought you would like"  "Are you kidding it looks beautiful thank you and sorry for causing so much trouble"  "No not at all" Claire said "Well I better go prepare dinner you go unpack your things dinner is at 9:00" "Okay If I finish early can I go to the forest and think?" I said she seemed to hesitate but then she said "Okay just be really careful don't go to far okay?" Claire said "Ok thanks" I said as she closed my door and left.

it took me 45 minutes to finish unpacking my stuff I grabbed a jacket and got out my room and ran to the door while I closed the door I heared "Don't take to long!". I walked into the forest I've been walking for  who knows how long I was to busy thinking when I tripped and hit my head on the rock and everything turned black.

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