Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

I tremble, sure he can feel my pulse racing beneath his grip. "H-Henry."

"Tell me you know," he says, sternly. His eyes tighten, painfully. "Tell me you know I love you."

"I-I know it," I whisper immediately, the words fall from my mouth easily. My blinders come off.

His gaze falters slightly, but he remains firm. "Tell me you love me too."

"No," I breathe, shaking my head. "No." He leans in closer, lips just barely against mine.

"Tell me, Mia," he whispers, letting go of my wrists. He clasps my face gently, running his thumb along my lips and I feel my heart leap from my chest. "Tell me. I need you to." His voice is quiet, despairing.

I shake my head, tearfully. I exhale heavily, giving up. "God, of course I do! I love you! Okay? Are you satisfied!? Why the hell are you doing this to me? Are you trying to sleep with me before tomorrow? Have one last night together?"

He closes his eyes, letting me go slowly. "I couldn't go, Mia, after hearing you tonight. I had to-"

"You go to Annabelle," I utter, now the stern one. His face falls. "I won't do this again. I will never be the other woman again, Henry. You made your choice and while I may know why you did it and while I may know that you love me, it doesn't change the fact that you did leave... I-I'm staying with Arnold."

His brows curve together into a grimace as my words leave their mark but after a moment, he nods, looking down, swallowing. He clears his throat. He doesn't move, for a long while. But eventually he does. He walks toward me and clasps my face, kissing me gently. It's quick, so quick I barely feel his lips against mine. When the door shuts behind him, I just stare. I stare, numbed.


I lay my head back against the cushion, at the ceiling, my knees up on the couch. Arnold is beside me, one hand on my knee. The news coverage of the Royal Wedding rings throughout my small apartment.

"I think maybe it's time we get you a manager, huh?" he says, trying to get me out of my head. "Get you some exposure?"

I look back to him, nodding uninterestedly with a weak smile. "Yeah, maybe... although I don't want to upset Octavio."

"He knows your talent, Mia. I know you're loyal to him but you have much more potential. You could have a career, travel the world."

I look at the TV, nodding slowly. "Maybe traveling wouldn't be so bad."

"Well, why don't we go somewhere?" he says, excitedly. "Anywhere. I could get our tickets."

I look at him, like he's crazy. But I chuckle at his persistence. "I have shows."

"Octavio can do without you for a week or two."

"Where would we go?" I whisper, as my eyes flicker back to the screen. I'm unable to tear my eyes from the TV. I'm waiting to see Henry. I know the moment will kill me, but I wait anyhow.

"What place have you always wanted to see?"

I shake my head, sighing. "I have no clue. I never- believed I would be able to travel wherever I wanted."

"Henry never offered?" he questions, looking surprised. "You would think with his connections that he would have, you know..."

I feel a twist inside of me, and my heart is defensive. "He didn't buy me with gifts, Arnold," I snap, eyes wide. He shakes his head.

"I'm not saying that-"

"Then what are you saying?"

He breathes in. "Look, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have worded it-"

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