New Student

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Hye Ah's pov :

Today is just like an ordinary days that I've been trough. The sky is blue, and the sun is shine brightly. I rushed go to the bus station, because I just got overslept last night working on my homework. And I just glad that I got there right before the bus gone.

My name is Park Hye Ah, but my friends called me Hye Ah. I'm a second grade student from School of Performing Art High School. But most of the people likes to call it SOPA. I was born in Soul, South Korea and live there with my parents.

My father is a corporate leader of several large companies in Seoul. He always busy and rarely spending time with me and my mom. Well, I can't blame him. I know how busy he is because of his work. And he always work hard to make me happy and proud toward him. Of Course I'm proud of my dad.

To be honest, I always got worried when he came home late and being tired all the time. But when it comes to a free time and my dad don't have to go to his companies. I can spending time together with him. And I'll cherish all those times with both of my beloved parents.

If I have something that making me sad, I'll never tell it to other people. Because I don't want to make them worried. Especially my best friend Gayoon and Chunji. They had become my best friend since Middle school.

They were the only people I can counting on and trust. And then I met Jun. He's a really cold person when the first time I met him. But when we become closer, he is totally a caring person.

He is always trying to protect me. But sometimes I'll get mad when he started being a jerk to some boys that trying to get close to me. Sometimes I think that is weird and I can feel that he is hiding something from me. Something important. Even though I really wanted to ask him... I can't... Because I don't want to make him mad.

And then I'm starting to know Hoshi and Seungkwan. They were Jun's best friends. And they always being nice to me and making me smile while I'm in a badmood. I'm glad that I can becoming friends with all of them.

In this first semester being a second grade, I always got excited to go back to school and meet all of my friends there. I heard about the new transferred student. He is kinda cute though. At least in my opinion. Seems like he is a shy kind of person.

He always got a weird glance from the other students. But when he get into my class, the teacher are looking around to find a sit for him. With that, suddenly I realized that the chair besides me is empty.

I rise my hand and tell the teacher that he can sit next to me. The teacher smiles and give a gesture to the new student to sit. Then he walked to where I'm sitting and all I can do is just give him a bright smile. Then I'm starting to introduce myself to him. And he started to introduce himself to me as well with a shy smile on his face. A cute smile that I think I like it. His name is Lee Jihoon.

"So... What are you doing after this?" I asked as I look at him questioningly.

"I... I don't know..." He answered looking with a unreadable expression.

I just humming in response while nodding my head. All of a sudden, something hit me on the head, as I remember about something.

"Ah! Almost forgot!"

"Forgot? About what?" He look at me with a questioning look. As a response, I smile at him and explained to him.

"What kind of club are you planning to joined?"

"C-club?" He asked unsure.

From his tone, I'm pretty sure he got confused about my questions. Probably... Feeling confused because he didn't know which club he should enter. Should I encouraging him? Would he feel annoyed?

Humming slightly, I think about what should I do in this kind of situation. I couldn't just shrugged it off! Especially, it's my fault for asking this kind of stupid question!

Clearing my throat. I look at him and take a deep breath to act like usual. When I finally arranged my words that I'm trying to say to him, I'm opening my mouth to spoke.

"You know... You have to join a club. Because... You know... Making friends and all... And it also needed for your lessons."

"Really?" His expression finally feel a little bit better and I nodded for confirmation. He continued. "But... I don't know which one I should enter."

"Hmm..." Humming for a second time, I look up as I close my eyes to think what kind of club he should enter.

As I'm still busy thinking inside my head, I snapped back to reality when I hear Jihoon's sudden question.

"What club did you enter, Hye?"

"M-me?" I asking back at him as I pointed out at myself. "Well... I'm entering the musical club!" I said proudly.


"Yup!" Nodding my head.

"That's sounds interesting." He commended as a small smile slipped from his lips.

"It was!" I grinned. I didn't even realize what I did. I could feel something popped out from my head. That gave me an idea. Why didn't I asked him to join the musical club? He look interested in music.

How could I know that? Well... it was obvious! When he is talking about music, his eyes suddenly got lightened up... Or it is just my imagination? Whatever! Better than sorry! I have to help him!

"Wait... Why don't you join the musical club? It was fun! Besides, we can be together, you know?" I smiled happily while holding Jihoon's hand. I don't know why... It's just feel like an instinct. I always did that when I'm trying to comfort others.

"T-together?" He repeated a little bit shaky on his voice. What's wrong with him? Am I that scary? I'm asking myself, confused by how he replied.

"Yup! You and me! Together! What do you say Hoonie?" I asked excitedly, not even knowing that I accidentally called his name Hoonie.

"H-Hoonie?" He repeat as he look at me confused.

Realizing my mistakes, I immediately shut my mouth startled. I don't mean to change his name on purpose! What am I thinking!? What if he feel annoyed? Aish! Babo!

"I-I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't call you that!" I apologized quickly as my face starting to blushed because of the embarrassment that was caused by my stupid habit.

I look up at him when I heard Jihoon laughed slightly because of my stupid act. That make me feel more embarrassing than before. So I'm looking down to the floor to hide my face. I wish the ground would swallowing me at this moment.

"It's fine... You don't have to apologize." Jihoon show me his eye-smile.

I got dumbfounded by his sudden expression. Did he just... Smile at me? Well... It's not that I think it was weird... It was just... Cute? I think?

I finally be able to snapped back from my daydreaming, when I felt something warm on top of my head. It was Jihoon's hand. He just patted my head.

"I don't mind. Besides, maybe joining a musical club wasn't a bad idea."

"Seriously?" I look at him in wonder. Was he serious? Is he going to joined the club?


"Great!" I said happily as I'm clapping my hands, gesturing that I'm excited and happy at the same time. "Why don't we go to the music room, now? Let's go!" Grabbing his wrist, we going straight to the music room.

-To Be Continued-

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