The Adventures of a Sleeping Man

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My last day flew by and before I knew it, I was making my way through the wall to platform 9 ¾. I tried my hardest to push thoughts of Sirius Black and Jasmine out of my head but it didn't seem to work. I could only hope that I would be able to forget about it all during the school year.

"Christina, I'm going to be fine. I'm in my 5th year, you don't have to wait for me to find Cedric anymore." Every year it was the same argument, even after so many years of living with the Crams I wasn't use to having someone to rely on. I was use to being on my own.

"Sweetheart I understand, you're 15! But that doesn't mean I don't want to see you off properly." Christina tried to reason with me but I just let out a groan. I looked around at the people on the platform, suddenly aware of the stares I was getting. I let out another groan.

"Harry Potter's obviously not here yet, people always stare at me when he's not here to stare at." Christina chuckled at me. I didn't find it that funny though. People were always so nosy, it was almost like they were waiting for a dragon to come and take me away. Can't they just let me be a normal girl for once?

"Estella you know it's just because they're interested. If anything you should feel sorry for Harry Potter, he gets it all the time! You only get it when he's not around." Christinas point made sense, but I wasn't about to admit it to her. I stayed silent as I stared around, trying to find Cedric or another one of my friends. My face broke out into a grin when I saw Percy, but then the grin dropped when I saw him walking over to Penelope Clearwater. She was obnoxious, I didn't understand why he was dating her. I let out a sigh, usually Cedric would be here already. Maybe he's on the train already?

I said goodbye to Christina before making my way onto the train. I searched the train for Cedric with no luck, in the end I ended up just finding a cabin by myself. Which was nearly impossible, so in the end I settled for a cabin occupied by a sleeping man. Hopefully, Cedric would be able to find me, in the meantime I took a note out of the man's book. Shutting my eyes I attempted to sleep, my attempt was unsuccessful. Every time I almost drift off, Sirius Black's face jumped me awake again. I hear a group of people enter the room. I squeeze my eyes shut, pretending that I'm asleep. That way I won't have to interact with anyone.

"Who d'you reckon they are?" A male voice sounds, sounding close to the door. He seems younger than me, probably a year or two younger.

"Professor R .J. Lupin," this time it's a female voice, perhaps Hermione Granger? I didn't know her enough to recognise her voice with complete certainty. I had however spoken to her a few times over the years. "And the girls Estella Cram."

"How d'you know that?"

"It's on his case, and I've spoken to Estella a few times. She's a 5th year Hufflepuff, although she really should be in Ravenclaw. She's really smart, which is surprising I guess. She was raised by dragons!" The girl I've decided is definitely Hermione speaks again. Assuming it's her I can only imagine that the others in the cabin are Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

"Oh yeah, I know her! She's friends with Percy and Charlie. Wonder why she's never came over to the burrow before?" From the information I'm given, I assume that the boy who has spoken is Ron Weasley. "Wonder what he teaches?" I'm automatically reminded of the many letters Percy has sent me complaining about his brother.

"That's obvious," Ah here we go, Hermione Granger to the rescue! "There's only one vacancy, isn't there? Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Well, I hope he's up to it," Ron talks again, sounding a little unsure. "He looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn't he? Anyway..." There's a silent pause. "What were you going to tell us?" I take this as my cue to 'wake up', although I had technically been eavesdropping before, this next topic seemed more personal. I pretend to move in my sleep and then slowly open my eyes. The three sit there staring at me, I fake surprise but then smile at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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