The Adventures of a Face

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The man haunted my sleep. He was always there, for as long as I could remember. His face was kind, and full of joy. The poster mocked me. The face I had seen so many times, hidden under a layer of dirt and insanity. It couldn't be him, surely not. Yet the more I stared the more I was sure of it. This man, this terrifying, insane man was the same one who plague my dreams at night. I shook my head, not wanting to believe it. I had always dreamed that one day this man would show up and tell me where I came from. Now however, I wasn't so sure that was what I wanted.

It was August and Irving had convinced Christina to let him take me shopping for my school supplies. After collecting all of my new books, new robes -it seemed I had grown over the summer and spending a large amount of time watching the animals in the Magical Menagerie. Irving complained the entire way however I just shooed him away and continued playing with a ginger haired cat that I had taken a liking to. Although the large cat seemed to like Irving, he didn't take very kindly to it. Muttering how 'Why does she always seem to like the larger animals.' After releasing I had heard him he continued on saying 'Honestly! First dragons, now this thing.'

Anyway, after a sad goodbye between me and the cat we continued on our way towards Florean Fortescue's Ice-cream Parlour. It was there that I noticed the poster. In big, bold letters it read: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WIZARD?

The name glared at me, as if my mind willed me to remember something but it couldn't. Sirius Black, I had of course heard the stories and I've known of his escape for a while now. I hadn't ever actually seen his picture before. Newspapers were never really my thing and I spent most of my time in the muggle village not far from my home or in the forest with Caelin and the others. I never really had a chance to see his face, but now I had. I wished I had never seen his face now, then I could have continued with my fantasies.

Noticing Irving calling my name I broke away from my daydream. He was looking at me like I was a lunatic.

"Honestly Liza, normally you're running towards the ice-cream line. Whats going on in the puny brain of yours?" He grins cheekily at me and I let out a mock gasp. With a flick of my black hair I walked off in the direction of the Parlour. He lets out a groan he jogs to catch with me. "For a short person you sure are fast." This time I gasp for real and slap him on the chest. Make fun of my smarts or the way I talked and I would laugh it off. Make fun of my appearance and all hell would break loose. It was a reminder I guess, that I wasn't truly one of them. One of the Crams I mean. I wasn't there blood. My jet black hair stood out compared to their light brown hair. My eyes were a sapphire blue while theirs were a deep brown. I was short, they were freakishly tall. There was a girl that was in her sixth year while I was in my first. She had the ability to change her appearance at will, I remember praying and wishing it was a talent I could gain. Noticing my change in demeanor Irving thought over his words again before coming to a realization. His mouth formed an 'O' before he rushed to give me a hug. "You know I don't mean to it in that sense. Just because we look different doesn't mean you're not my sister!" I shrug my shoulders before nodding quickly. "Now come on, we've put off the ice-cream long enough!" He grabs my hand and pulls me along causing me to laugh.

Minutes later the two of us are sitting at a table eating ice-cream. Mostly in silence with a casual comment here and there. However being the nosy idiot he is, it isn't long before he brings up my daydream again.

"So missy, what were you daydreaming about before. Some wizard caught your eye?" His comment caused me to choke on my ice-cream. I begin laughing, hard. "What! I bet you're a real heartbreaker at hogwarts! It's the eyes, they probably draw the boys right in." My laughter increases and turns into the sort of laughter you can't hear anymore. I feel the eyes of the other customers on us but I'm laughing to hard to care. "Fine, fine. It wasn't a wizard, but if you owl home about a boy this year I have the right to tell you 'I told you so' alright? Good."

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