She gasped and glowered at me. I knew that bothered my mom. “Things were going well for you and Liam for a while.”

“It’s my turn” Niall interrupted and I was glad. “I am thankful for my new job at the university.”

“Let’s eat!” my dad cheered.

“Also, I’m thankful that I got another chance with the girl from last year.” Seriously? I shot him a look. Here we go again. Just shut up.

“Lucky girl” my mom swooned. Yeah, lucky me.

This Thanksgiving was going much better than last years. I wasn’t upstairs crying in my room yet. Louis and Liam weren’t wrestling on the floor over something that happened almost two years ago. No Nikki to drive me insane. Definitely much better than last year.

Door bell. “I’ll get it” I announced even though no was listening. The guys were gathered around the TV watching football and all the women were in the kitchen sipping wine and gossiping.

“Hello Kellie” Victoria said in a creepy voice that made my hair stand up on the back of my neck. What was she doing here? How did she know where I lived?

“Can I help you?” I asked her in an annoyed tone.

“Is Niall here?”

“Um, one second.” I shut the door in her face. “Niall!” I called. “Someone’s here to see you.” I didn’t want to tell him. He was late and now I knew why. Now I just needed to know the reason.

He opened the door with a surprised expression. “Vicki, what are you doing here?” He stepped outside and I slammed the door closed.

“Who was that?” Louis asked.

“No one” I shrugged. “Just his ex-girlfriend.” I plopped down on the couch between my dad and Liam to watch the game. I was over that drama. I knew Niall wanted nothing to do with her so I left him to her.

Once the screaming started, they muted the TV. “I know what’s going on Niall!” she yelled in his face. Everyone was staring at the window and I knew where this was going to lead.

Like the little annoying brother he was, Shaun cracked open the window to hear better.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Niall defended.

“I should have known. From the first day of classes. She’s your student Niall. I knew there was a reason you got so defensive when I accused you. And even then I was just making it up. But I saw you” she cried.

“What’s going on?” my mom asked as she stepped into the living room.

“Niall’s fucking one of his students” Shaun said. My eyes grew wide and I sunk down on the couch.

Gasps were heard through out the room. “No he isn’t” Niall’s mom said. “He wouldn’t risk his career like that.” 

Yes he would, I thought to myself.

“Just tell me how long” Victoria stood there with her hands on her hips. “Were you with her when we were together?”

“No” Niall shook his head. “I would never do that.”

“The school board is going to get a kick out of this” she laughed.

“Vicki, you wouldn’t.” I could hear the concern in his voice. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was hoping no one had noticed. Liam was clearly uncomfortable and a smirk played on Louis’ lips. At least she hasn’t said names yet. No one would know it was me or any of it was true. I mean she is completely out of her mind and would do anything to get Niall back.

Consequences (Breaking All the Rules Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now