Chapter 2 Your Birth

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4 November 1994

To others, this was just a regular day. Life went on as usual.  But for you, this was the beginning of your emotion filled, roller-coaster-like journey.

In Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, Martha gave birth to you.  You were a boy. On that day, God had planned something special for your life. You had no idea what the plan was, you just knew that there was something.

Martha's family was so eager to meet you. Everyone around you couldn't help to get excited because of the fact that you were the first of many things: You were Martha's first child. You were her parent's first grandchild. You were her siblings' first nephew.

You didn't know how Judas' family felt. They never shared the emotions they felt during the day you had come to exsist.

Martha still had to continue working in Taiwan. She knew she needed to work harder, especially now that she is responsible for supporting you. Throughout the years, she went and came, back and forth from the Philippines to Taiwan. Despite all this, she left you behind to someone who she knew she could trust, her mother; your grandmother.

Your grandmother was a sweet, caring woman. She was successful in raising five children and was still willing to raise a sixth. Her name was Connie. Growing up, you became closer to her than any other people you had in your life. 

When you were four, Martha decided to go far west. She decided to leave Asia and go to the United States of America where she could find more job opportunities. Her leaving the continent meant that she can no longer visit you occasionally. Martha was willing to exchange her visits for more money. More funds for your education.

You had no idea what this meant for you or your family.

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