Chapter 13: New leader of the unit

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**Lenka POV**

After these past events, all I can think of is about how I was hopeless, I blame myself for being utterly useless. I can't even save my friends how can I save the whole mankind?

My objective since then is to kill all of them, since that day... I swore that once I become a Gods Eater I'll kill all of them that took our freedom away from our very own hands.

I...I'm not that Lenka who was hopeless anymore... but still it looks like nothing had changed. They still die in front of me...

No, I'm not that pathetic anymore. That Lenka you've been talking about was changed. And so, I'll avenge Eric and Lindow's death.

...And everyone who died because of them.

-Lobby (year 2071 Day 109) -

**A/N: let's add the days ^-^:  Day 43 the day Soma did his diary (or when Kouta heard him talk about Sasha, an OC) the diary is a lie + 7 days; Kouta told about it to Niku + 7 days; Lenka dare + 7 days, (in here day-offs are once a week) Yuu dare + 31 days (a month) when they mentioned Eric become "matured" and when he died + 7 days of mourning for Eric + 1 day, Lindow sacrificed himself so his comrades would survive + 1 day when Alisa was hospitalised + 5 days they did their normal jobs and visit Alisa day after day = 109, the day today (in their world) if you're confused why no Kouta dare because he told Niku about Soma and that same day was the day he did his dares and one more thing, why didn't they mourn for Lindow? 😑😬 because his body wasn't found and I'm sure you know why. Also it was because this story was different from the game and anime because both Lenka and Yuu's here. There might be similarities but well just read ^-^ sorry I'm talkative here but in the real world I'm anti-social and taciturn unless you talk to me first. -----A/N end**

"Hey guys the cores from yesterday were good" Kouta said happily. "yeah" Yuu said in agreement. We were called in but we don't know why and by the way Alisa seems fine now after five days of being hospitalised
(A/N: I guess it's only three days or four in the game? :/ IDK anymore... it's been so long)

This is what happened


**lil flashback bros**

When me, Kouta and Yuu were talking to each other Alisa stepped in while her face was down, facing the floor

"As of today, I'll be returning to the unit ... again I look forward to working with you." Alisa said looking down "When will you begin actual combat?" Kouta asked after Alisa's declaration "That hasn't been decided yet." She was still facing the floor "So you're... okay now, Alisa?" Yuu asked looking really worried. Suddenly, Alisa looked at him then she started to smile and loose her frowning look. "If you're always here..." she said looking really happy at Yuu. She was blushing and smiling...

These two...they're cute together, a cute couple.

Meanwhile, Kouta looked kinda dumb "You two are so lovey dovey." I laughed, a real laugh "well you really ruined the mood" I added. "Guys don't think ahead we're not a couple you know we're just friends"  Alisa chuckled. "You always deny it and defend yourself that you're just friends" Kouta was really persistent. Yuu just laugh and pat his head. "What? I'm not a kid!" Kouta exclaimed.

A group of people who were a few meters away from us started talking bad about Alisa "Heard about that New-type Alisa? Well she trapped Lindow and left him for dead." Another one talked "yeah, the pathetic one that killed Lindow" they began laughing at her.  Alisa became sad again, pitying herself. Kouta, Yuu and I comforted her. "Why don't you laughed too? Go ahead" "We won't laugh at you." Kouta said to her calmly "Keep your chin up, we're all the same and we make mistakes too. So there's no reason to be down." Yuu comforted her. Alisa smiled again like before.

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