Chapter 2: Discovering Elijah

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She had watched somewhat anxiously as he inspected her humble abode whilst sneakily making observations of her own about this cryptic intruder she had successfully trapped. Epitomising the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome Adonis, she admired his clearly defined biceps, the fingers of an intricate tribal tattoo appearing out from under his sleeve evoking a curiosity within her to see the rest of it, as well as him. Piercing grey eyes imprinted upon her very soul from under hooded eyes and a jaw so beautifully constructed it appear to be from the hand of God himself. 

Having accepted her clear attraction towards Elijah, even the name rolling off her tongue sending sparks through her spine, she quickly dismissed it. Love or even sex was completely off the table for a recluse like her, she hadn't seen another living person in 6 years for a reason and she wasn't about to let a murderer be the first to open up her frozen heart.

Busying herself pointlessly around her ridiculously primitive kitchen area she tried to distract herself but in the end her curiosity won out,

'Why do you want to kill me?' She blurted out, her interest peaking as he looked reluctant to reply.

'Um... well... I didnt personally want to kill you, believe me i have no personal vendetta against you... its just well you had a hefty price on your head that i wasn't going to turn down, besides i didnt know you would look like... that.' his voice tapering off at the end as he gave her an appreciative once over.

Achieving a perverse sense of satisfaction from his approval she was momentarily won over by his obvious charm, only to once again regain her composure and so indignantly replied,

'Why, you bastard! If you would please stop evaluating me like a prime piece of beef at the butchers would you care to tell me who sent you and why? 

'I can't tell you that missy, that would be violating the confidentiality agreement wouldn't it? Albeit i think you already know if you have been hiding this long, you had to have had a reason for running, someone to run from perhaps?' Elijah questioned her softly, coaxing her into revealing a little more about herself.

'I... I don't know' she tapered off, her mind wandering to that fateful day where she lost everything, her family, her home, her dignity. 

'Do you want to talk about it... hey i just realised i don't know your name?' Elijah said, interrupting her thoughts.

'My name is Lorelei.' she replied cautiously.

'Thats a pretty name, very mellifluous.' Elijah's grin spread across his face enticing her own.

Blushing slightly she timidly met his eyes, uncomfortable with his praise, however slight, thanking him for his compliment with a nod unable to voice her gratitude.

'Are you hungry, i can fix you a sandwich, ill even give you some of my Pringles however partial i am to them,' feeling almost iniquitous for handcuffing him to bed frame despite the attempt on her life. Glancing at him briefly she saw him nod eagerly noticing her lack in hostility and seemingly relishing in her change of tone.

'I would love that, thank you' he said, wording his confirmation. Their eyes met, an invisible sensation capturing them both, tension rising between the two no matter their reluctance to accept it.

Cutting through the cloying, almost suffocating tension she blurted,

'Tuna! I mean, I have some... do you want it?' Cheeks the colour of molten lava freshly emerging from the volcanic cavern she turned around in an attempt to conceal her shame.

Shocked by her sudden outburst Elijah just hummed his approval suddenly reflecting on his hunger wondering when he last ate as his abdominal region broke the silence with a satanic murmuring. HIs cheeks soon reflected her own and they were synonymous in their embarrassment.

Chuckling slightly she tried for small talk,

'So whats your favourite colour?'

'My favourite colour, really? Wow you must have been alone for a long time if thats your first try for a personal question.' Seeing her increasingly irritable expression he retracted his insult quickly salvaging the situation,

'Black, my favourite colour is black' he replied muttering incoherently under his breath about her apparent anger issues.

'I can hear you you know! Mines blue, in case you were wondering.' She exclaimed.

'I wasn't but for the sake of avoiding awkwardness i'll pretend I care about your favourite colour' he wryly replied adopting a clearly false smile.

'I don't appreciate that thanks, i haven't been around people for a while, as you can tell.'

'Yes well, i wouldn't recommend it... you are kind of awkward.' He mediated

With a huff of annoyance she settled for ignoring the ignorant pig already remembering why she had originally hated him and with that neither spoke a word to the other for the next 3 days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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