Chapter Two - Meeting the Boys

Start from the beginning

"Sure." They all said in unison.

Shay returned to her room. Forgetting the amazing room she had, she was a little shocked walking to the suite for the second time. She was so tired from standing around she just changed and went to bed.

Liam was the first one up, since it was about ten, he decided it would be a good time for a morning swim. He put his trunks on and left for the pool deck. When he got there he noticed no one was in the pool, taking advantage of this he just drove right in. Liam swam a few laps before he saw Shay tanning on one of the loungers.

"Morning, Love." He said taking a seat beside her.

Shay leaned up in her chair.

"Morning Liam." She said smiling. "Out for a morning swim are we?"

"Yeah, the others are asleep. So I came out here."

"I've been out here for..." She checked her iPod for the time. "About an hour and a half. I woke up and I was alone in the room, I have a balcony, but I figured out here would be more, er, social." She said looking at all the old folks around her.

"More social." Liam laughed looking around.

"Well, social-er than my room."

"I guess. Listen I know were getting brunch later, but I'm starving. Do you want to get something?"

"I thought you'd never ask." She said getting up from her

They walked down to the breakfast buffet together. When they got in line Liam turned to Shay and said, "If anyone asks, this never happened."

"I won't say anything if you don't." She said with a smirk.


They got their snack and sat down in one of the booths.

"So where are we going for brunch?" Liam asked.

"Here." Shay said laughing.

"At least we'll know what our options are."

"True." She said taking a bite of her muffin.

When they there almost done their snack, Liam sees Harry and Niall walking in to the buffet. Shay noticed his eyes widen.

"You like a deer in headlights." She said laughing. She turned around to see Harry and Niall. Her expression changed to the same as his. They slid under the table simultaneously."

"What are they doing there?" Liam said.

"It's ten forty five. I was supposed to meet you guys, there probably looking for me."

"Right, right."

"Ok, I know this is a bad time to say this but I never thought I'd be hiding under a table with a guy barely know on this cruise."

He laughed then grabbed her hand and they ran out of the buffet room and in to the hall. Then Zayn and Louis were coming in the other way. Shay quickly pulled Liam in to a small hallway. Liam held her close so they wouldn't be seen. Liam turned to her and their eyes locked. They both stood there for a second lost in the moment then Shayla turned her head, "They're gone."

They walked in to the buffet and met the others. Shayla sat across from Liam between Niall and Louis.

"Were we're you two?" Niall asked passing Shay a cup of coffee.

"We just met each other out on the pool deck." Liam said a little too quickly.

"That explains the bathing suits." Louis said taking a long look at Shay.

"I'm up here." Shay said jokingly.

They all laughed.

"So what's on for today?" Zayn asked.

"Well, what is there to do?" Niall asked sipping his juice.

"There doing the limbo at one." Liam said reading the ship's newspaper.

"I challenge...Zayn." She said looking at him.

"What?" He said in surprise.

"There's no backing out, I already challenged you." She said stealing a strawberry from Niall's plate. He gave her an odd look, but when she smiled at him he smiled back.

After brunch, the group decided to ride the water slides. Liam and Shayla waited patiently by the slides.

"Do you think they saw us?" Shayla asked.

"I doubt it. None of them said anything." He shrugged .

When the rest of the boy came out on to the deck. Louis said nothing a picked up Shayla and carried her up to the top of the slide. When they all got to the top Louis attempted to throw Shayla down the slide but she didn't let go and they both tumbled down the slide. They boys could hear them laughing and screaming all the way down. When they got to the bottom they were laughing hysterically. They waited at the bottom for Niall then Shay tapped his shoulder, "You're it."

She ran up the stairs to the top of the slides and pushed Zayn down the slide, then Harry pushed her. Harry and Liam followed them. They ran around the pool, splashing each other and laughing until Shayla runs over and grabbes Zayn.


"It's limbo time." She said with a smirk.

She guided him down to the lower pool deck. They're was a crowd and Cory waved at her when he saw them.

"Alright, Welcome everyone to the limbo competition!" Cory said in to his microphone. "I'm going to start picking people from the crowd to participate."

Cory picked a few people from the crowd then looked at us. "And you two."

The game started off good no one was out yet then one older woman who gave up about three rounds in. Considering the contestants where much older than them, Zayn and Shay we the last two left.

"Why don't we call it a draw." Zayn said putting his hand out to make the deal.

"No way." She said going under the bar.

She smirked at Zayn from the other side. All the guys were cheering from the side. He leaned backwards and half way under the bar he fell to the ground.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner." The boys ran out and Harry lifted her up on to his shoulders.

"Better luck next time." Shayla said smiling at Zayn. He smiled and nodded.

"Let's celebrate." Niall said being caught up in the excitement.

They all went to the bar for a while then talked about the cruise and such. Later on they all went to the restaurant in the top of the restaurant. They all sat around a round table. Zayn was trying to convince everyone that she was cheating.

"Zayn do you want to explain to us how Shay could have cheated?" Asked

"In limbo." Niall added.

"I don't know. She just did." He laughed.

"Brilliant explanation." said Shay. "How long have you all known each other?" She knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear them say it.

"About three years now." Harry said smiling at her. She smiled back.

Then out of the blue random, Louis and Shay looked at each other, their eyes locked, but not in a romantic way. Then they just burst out laughing.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"I don't know." Louis said between laughs.

"We had a moment." Shay said trying not to laugh. "Thank god you weren't about to take a drink."

"I agree."

When diner was over they all went back out to party on the pool deck. When Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn were playing, Shayla tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Yes, Love?" Said turning around.

"Harry, there's a formal in the dance club and i was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

"Of course."

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